By Carrie A. Moore | Photos by Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News

Published: Sunday, Aug. 23, 2009
Editor's note: This is the fifth story in an occasional series
Paul Cardall has been waiting for the phone to ring for an entire year.
Not that the musician doesn't take calls from family and friends on a daily basis, but those calls are different. They keep his emotions and his spirit healthy.
The one call he's waiting for will say it's time to replace his own failing heart with that of another, whose family will then be broken-hearted.
There will be gratitude and silent rejoicing on one end of the line, with sadness and mourning on the other. As much as he prays for that family, he can't change the reality that his chance for a future with his wife and 3-year-old daughter will come because someone else dies.
Born with congenital heart disease, Cardall, 36, was first listed for a heart transplant last August after years of surgeries.
Speaking with the Deseret News at Primary Children's Medical Center, where his transplant will take place, he reflected on a year of knowing that his future depends largely on factors he has no control over. Pediatric heart surgeons will replace his diseased heart when the time comes, because they've been treating.... Continue Reading the Article
How very touching. Brought tears to my eyes to read.
ReplyDeleteI'm ready to rip out my ticker so you can have it. It's a little broken in parts, patched together in others, and bandaged with joy and gratitude in others. Pretty well used but if you will just say the word, it's yours.
ReplyDeleteP.S. If you could just let me borrow it every few days so I can finish raising my own kids, though, that would be great. If not, well, I guess they will be your responsibility along with my husbands.
- The management of a heart.
P.S. Don't tell my lungs. They might miss it for a little while.
That was a very touching article. Thank you for sharing. I hope you are doing well, we are thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteMindi Dixon
Libbi's mom
ReplyDeleteI've been following your blog for quite a while now... I just wanted to thank you for inspiring and strengthening so many of us. Your faith and love for our Heavenly Father is evident in how you have chose to live your life. It inspires me. I have looked at life differently since "stumbling" upon your blog. So, I just wanted to say thank you.
I pray that the Lord will continue to be with you and your family.
Your faith in God keeps me "in check" if that makes any sense. I want you to know that I am praying for you along with my six year old son and three year old son. I shared your story with my boys and they have a burning desire to lift you up. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteI tear up every time I read a post from you. I also tear up every time Sweet Angel Gracie is mentioned. You both have had a major influence on my life, though I've never met either of you. I was just in Utah a few week ago and bought your Primary Worship CD. It fills my soul with the Spirit of God!! Thank you for sharing your talent. Praying that perfect, healthy heart comes your way very soon.
Paul, I am so glad I found you today. My introduced your story to me and included a link to your blog. I have been so inspired and uplifted as I visit here today. I can't help but feel I am walking on your personal sacred ground as I read about you (your family) and your struggles. I'm so glad you are sharing your story. I love that you are the kind of person that is open hearted---letting us all "in" to get a glimpse of who you are and the trials you are going through. It is difficult for many people to open up and let others know of personal struggles and soul aching moments. Thank you for your example of a courageous and enduring spirit! You and your family are in my prayerful thoughts.
ReplyDeletePaul, I love to read your blog and listen to your gives me a sense of peace and hope for the transplant road are about to begin with Miracle Mason! We were there today for our official pre-transplant consultation and I wanted to bring Mason by to say Hi (you are still in the PICU correct?) but we had already been there 5 hours and poor little guy was exhausted!! We will be there again next Thursday for his heart cath so hopefully we can say hi then. You are always in our family prayers....and we sure hope your heart comes soon!!
ReplyDeleteI just read your last four posts. I love the part of Elder Maxwell's quote that says "he will set before us in life what we need, not always what we like." Hmmmm...I'm hoping I don't 'need' any more trials for a long time! :)
ReplyDeleteThe video of Eden and her different expressions was so darling. You have quite the spunky, fun, spirited girl on your hands.
And of course your CD Sacred Piano is awesome. I have had several friends say they have gone out and bought it. What a wonderful gift you have.
Take care my friend. We hope to see you soon.
I'm praying for you this morning. Your blog is a mighty ministry...thank you for keeping at it. As a mother of a child with CHD's I am so grateful for the encouragement your words and music bring. May your beautiful heart stay strong...and may your coming new heart beat in time to God's infinite glory.