Monday, August 17, 2009

One Year on the Waiting List | Miracles

As an adult I am beginning to know the meaning of St. Paul’s words to the Romans, “We glory in tribulations… Knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope.” It is true. I have been blessed my whole life to have severe congenital heart disease. I am far from perfect and needed this in my life to teach me things I could have never learned without it. As a result, I am a witness of God’s hand in our lives. I’ve observed many miracles in my own.

Last Wednesday I was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit to begin receiving additional milrinone and nutrients intravenously. I’m also beginning some physical therapy.

These changes are an effort to help my organs hold steady so my body is prepared for the challenging transplant. In addition, I am getting some much-needed rest.

Thank you for all of your love! Our little family feels it so strongly... And with all that is transpiring we'll need your faith and prayers even more. A few days ago doctors shared with me tests results from my esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Doctors are theoretically concerned that there could be some excessive bleeding which may or may not be controllable during the transplant operation. It’s statistically serious because with each individual transplant surgery blood must be thinned with heparin for a lengthy time so patients don’t throw a clot and have a major stroke.

I have always believed someone greater than all of us runs the show. I’ve witnessed too many miraculous events to believe otherwise. I’ve also felt such comforting and peaceful emotions during hard times, which are unexplainable in words. I can’t deny feelings.

My friend and author Richard Paul Evans said of God, “If we looked at life as a ball game, God is not an umpire who sits and looks for failure. He’s more like the father in the stands cheering us on.”

Philosopher and spiritual leader Neal A. Maxwell wrote, “God loves us and, loving us, has placed us here to cope with challenges which he will place before us. I'm not sure we can always understand the implications of his love, because his love will call us at times to do things we may wonder about, and we may be confronted with circumstances we would rather not face. I believe with all my heart that because God loves us there are some particularized challenges that he will deliver to each of us. He will customize the curriculum for each of us in order to teach us the things we most need to know. He will set before us in life what we need, not always what we like. And this will require us to accept with all our hearts--particularly your generation--the truth that there is divine design in each of our lives and that you have rendezvous to keep with destiny, individually and collectively.”

For me, God has been extremely generous, kind and loving. I am surrounded by such love and support from family, friends, and strangers whom I see as brothers and sisters. I ache for others without such love to feel that same strength and power. Doctors have the skills to heal the body. Friends and family have the power to heal my mind.

My God and your God has provided me with a wonderful medical team who He can inspire. They are schooled and prepared to work miracles. And through them, I know God can perform many wonderful things according to His will and the faith of those who believe in Him.

And so at this time I humbly ask each of you to please pray for my gifted and skilled medical team of doctors, surgeons, nurses, technicians, and more at Primary Children’s Medical Center.

“I am a witness of His miracles and his mercy. I put my future in his hands knowing he's made me all I am. I put my faith in him and truth begins to speak. His power is real and it moves me until I will not be still.”

Photos: Top: With Eden in the P.I.C.U. / Middle: Rockin in the P.I.C.U. / Bottom: Standing in front of the painting of George Veasy, M.D. my childhood doctor. / Very Bottom: And a video of me and Eden


  1. Dear Paul,
    That video is just so sweet. What a precious child you and Lynette have
    I always look forward to your inspiring posts even though sometimes
    they bring me to tears. Today was one of those times.
    I am surrounding your Doctors in Prayers and faith. I am envisioning God's hands performing your successful transplant. Please don't let the test news discourage you. With the Doctors being aware of the situation, they will take the best care of you. When I visit Church I will light a candle in your name to burn brightly for your prayers to be answered.
    Paul, please take comfort in knowing your prayers WILL be answered.
    p.s you look great!

  2. Dear Paul,
    I have just recently found your blog. I have listened to your music for years and heard a news story on you recently about your wait for a transplant and CHD. My daughter was born with Tetralogy of Fallot. She had her first open heart surgery when she was 5 months old. She is now nine-years-old. She will be having a valve replacement surgery next summer. She is extremely fearful of the surgery, she is very scared of dying and helping her face her mortality is such a difficult task. I have found your blog to be inspiring and also helpful to her. She absolutely loves music and she has played the piano since she was six. After I showed her this blog and let her listen to some of your music she felt better about her upcoming surgery. She finds your testimony of faith and the gospel comforting. Thank you for sharing this journey. Our prayers are with you and your doctors (which are some of the same doctors we visit at PCMC).

  3. Your strength is inspiring. I pray that you get your heart soon. I love the video of you and Eden. Precious.

    Hoping and Praying for you!!!

    Owen's Mom

  4. Paul,
    It makes my day everytime I see a new post from you! Your Hope and strong Faith inspires and encourages me to grow closer to our Heavenly Father. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Keeping you, your family, and your medical team in my prayers...

  5. Oh Paul. Our prayers and hugs and hope for you remain strong.


  6. Paul,

    Continuing to pray for you (strength, endurance, peace, faith), for your medical team (God's good guidance), and for the family that makes your transplant a reality!

    Take care~
    Lisa @ All That and a Box of Rocks

  7. Paul,
    I have been praying for you and your family since I found your blog several months ago. You continue to be an amazing example. Thank you.

  8. I also know that God is over all things. With Kaidence it often seemed that we had runout of all options. But just as we were almost to the end of that road another door seemed to appear from no where. We are praying for everyone invloved. Dont let the results get you down. Just know that BECAUSE of these results, they will be more careful and cautious. It may just be the that the Lord has his hands in your life right now, a little more than you realize.

  9. You have such an inspiring and contagious attitude...of gratitude. My heart warms everytime I read how strong you are. Good luck with this next endeavor...

  10. I don't know if I've left a comment before. Wanted you to know, I'm a heart mom...and I am very much...praying for you!

  11. Don't give up Paul! We haven't stopped praying and begging our Heavenly Father for a new heart for you!

  12. Paul,

    We are praying for you and the doctors. Hoping the call comes soon! What an inspiration you have been on this journey to us CHD families and so many others.

    Hugs & Prayers,
    Jacob's Momma

  13. I loved the video of you and Eden--and Lynnette talking to you both. You, your family, and the medical team are in my prayers. :)

  14. I am so humbled by your faith and gratitude. I am a true believer in knowing that God is in charge. You are admired and your words are appreciated more than you probably realize. You've been in our thoughts and prayers, and will continue to be. (By the way, I LOVE your music. I am planning on buying some so that I can play it for Ethan while he is recovering from his Fontan in a couple of months.) You are amazing! Hang in there!!!!


  15. You are so inspiring! You have so much faith in God and I love that about you. I pray for you and that your body can stay strong as you wait for a new heart.

  16. Our prayers are with you and your family.

  17. Here a simple prayer for you, all medical personal, and your family: to be in His tender mercies. He is mindful of you. He helped them become aware of this situation so they will take extra care and monitor it. May we all stand in line to give blood, as needed?!
    Ever onward, Paul, ever onward!

  18. I'm a complete stranger who has followed your blog for months on end. What a beautiful family and attitude you have.

    I just can't wait to read a post that says you have received your new heart and are full of renewed life and energy! Keep up the great fight and know you are thought about quite often, even by complete strangers!

  19. Paul, Sounds like this is a new chapter in your adventures. We will continue to pray for you and the medical team. Looking back on the wait with Daxton it is so amazing to see Gods hand in every single detail. He is in charge and I am so grateful that you have that knowledge and faith. It makes the road easier to travel. Daxton and I will be at clinic on Thursday we would love to come and say hello if that is alright. We could bring you up a treat:) Sending you lots of faith and prayers. Hilary Cook

  20. Praying and sending positve thoughts your way

  21. Praying for you, the medical doctors and your sweet family! I too know that everything is in the Lords hands and that there is no miracle too big for him. All our love and prayers!

  22. Paul, You are such an inspiration to our family. Hang in there! You have more in the stands cheering for you than a loving Father in Heaven! You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

  23. I am greatly HUMBLED and INSPIRED by you. I am praying for you today.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Paul,
    Your wonderful, inspiring music is played in our home every morning...and many times a day. Our boys (and Bryan and I) pray for you in all our prayers throughout the day. Your are in our thoughts and prayers and you are a strength to us! Thank you for your motivating words, scriptures and thoughts. We love you! With Love - Bryan, Lisa, David, Justin, Nathan and Tyler Anderson

  26. Paul, I love your blog. I'm praying for you and am touched by your entries.

    Thanks for being so diligent at updating it.

    I've given you the lemonade award, since your blog is one of my very favorites!

    See my blog for details:

    - Chas
