Sunday, August 30, 2009

More Music Therapy

Today, two of my good friends debuted a new video on youtube. With all that is going on in life and the frustration of waiting in a hospital, feeling weaker, tired, away from my wife and daughter, Jon Schmidt and Steven Sharp Nelson's new video put a smile on my face. Thanks guys!


  1. The Cardell family,

    Please know that you are in our daily thoughts and prayers.Music is powerful and has gotten me through the hardest of lifes trials. Music can heal :)

    The Max Family

  2. I don't know if you read these comments, but I read your blog and have done since my dad died 4 months ago. He was very young, and I have so much hope for you. Your words bring me hope and solace at this very hard time. I pray for you and your beautiful family. Life is so fragile and the gospel of Jesus Christ brings all things into perspective. May the Lord bless you.

  3. Praying for that heart to come soon. Its got to be hard being away from your beautiful family. Your a very strong man.

  4. You are truly amazing! Paul, we have been touched by you for years and years. My children have listened to your music since my children were infants. We pray for you daily. You touch people! Be strong. Continue the fight!

  5. I remember seeing the one they did with the coldplay song, I loved both videos.

    I'm sorry for what you and your family are suffering.

    I'd like to share this from a post I did a few months after my sister passed away. Here's the address if you wanted to look at it.

    I truly hope and pray you get the heart you so deserve.

  6. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasAugust 31, 2009 at 8:19 PM

    I started following your blog through Gracie's blog and have been praying for you since. You have such a beautiful family and such an amazing talent. Your music gives me chills! I am sorry for all the struggles you have been going through, but I will continue to pray for healing. God works miracles every day!

  7. Hey my friend - it's been a long time. I've heard this arrangement a few times and it's great. I will never forget that one night at The Roof when you asked for requests and, of course, I said - Rush or Van Halen. Sure enough, you worked closer to the heart in to your song. No one could have known! One of these days I'll bring you an icre cream cone - even though I swore to never touch that stuff again!

    You are an inspiration and example of hope and faith. Hang in there buddy!

  8. Paul, hang on! Your journey is nowhere complete. Your friends did an amazing job with this music. I love it.
