Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Youtube Message from Paul Cardall


  1. Paul, you are a real boy and an inspiration man. Hang in there!!

  2. Paul, thanks for your music, inspiration, and testimony. Your positive attitude is such a blessing to those around you. Thanks again.

  3. I remember when my daughter Annika got off oxygen after being on it for 7 months. She was 17 months old, and learned to walk just a week after she was free from the tube. It felt so amazing and wonderful to be able to just take her outside into our backyard anytime we wanted, to carry her out to the car and drive away without packing the portable tank, to carry her from the family room to the kitchen without the tube snagging on the corner of the couch. It's funny what we take for granted when we are healthy, but also wonderful how trials help us to be grateful for things we wouldn't never have recognized before. Thank you for helping me remember so many things I am grateful for, over and over. You are the most positive person I've ever come across.

    Still praying for your heart.

  4. Paul, you are such an inspiration to me and my family. We are praying for you. I love your video posts. This one got me thinking. In life, we all have strings attached in one way or another. Some fetters that bind us down require the "quick fix" of physical surgery, but most people are suffering with the need for spiritual surgery. Thankfully, your tubes are only the temporary physical kind. Your soul is pure and free. Those strings of yours will definitely come off soon! Hang in there. God has a plan for you. Love, MoSop

  5. Paul thanks for sharing and for your grateful and thankful spirit. We've dealt with tubes too, but I'm grateful for the modern medical technology that allows you to be at home with your tubes instead of at the hospital. Praying for you.

  6. Paul,
    It was so nice to see the video post. I am still praying for you and your wonderful family.

    My daughter Ashleigh has a tent similar to Eden's; how fun!

    God Bless.

  7. Paul,

    Thank you so much for the video post. What a great idea. I have been worried about you lately so it was great to see you hanging in there. I hope to see you soon at cardiology and you continue to be in our prayers.


  8. Hey paul its amazing that you can stand those "tubes" because when my Mel was at Primary I couldn't wait to take them off of her they drove me CRAZY!! I made our blog private and I was wondering if you wanted to still be checking in on it...if so just email me thayne_amber@hotmail.com

  9. Thinking of you and your sweet family. Hope to hear some good news soon. You look really great. Hang in there.

  10. It was good to see you even though it is through the 'virtual world'. You look healthy....I hope you feel as good as can be expected. It is so touching to hear my kids pray every night for you to get a heart. We are still thinking of you every day. My kids heard 'Gracie's Theme' playing on my blog this morning and asked if you had released it on CD yet. I told them later this year, they are excited.

    Wishing you, Lynnette and Eden health and happiness as you wait.

  11. You are such an inspiration to me! God bless you! We will continue to pray that those tubes can go away very soon. Sending our love and prayers...

    Megan, Dan & Elijah (TOF, PA, MAPCAs)

  12. It was nice to see your video post. We are praying for you and your family.

    Hugs & Prayers,
    Jacob's Momma

  13. Paul, you make me laugh!
    You're doing awesome, hang in there a little longer.

    love you!

  14. Great Video!! We pray for you all the time.. pray that your perfect heart will find you. Tubes are a part of our life as well... Owen has his feeding tube, oxygen tube and when Stanford feels it's time to list him, milrinone (PICC line) tubes. I'm grateful that he doesn't crawl.. can you imagine?

    Anyway... praying for you, your wife and your little Ms. Eden.

    You have a great attitude through it all.. I love it!!


  15. I am praying for you, and I know my family (Rand and Char, and Lyndsey and Tyson) is praying for you as well.

  16. Great video. I love the reference to Pinocchio...No strings indeed...what a day that will be! I hope that you are spending the afternoon playing Prince Charming to Eden's many princesses within her tent. :-)

  17. Paul you are such an inspiration to all. I have heard about you from several friends, have watched your blog for months and admire your faith. I was also born with CHD and have undergone two heart surgeries. I am so grateful the Lord still allows me to be with my husband and children and I treasure every day. Thanks for your wonderful example of faith to those of us and especially to children, living with CHD, your positive attitude is contagious and helps others to overcome their own trials!
    Thank You!

  18. Your are looking great Paul! My three children have not forgotten you in a single family prayer since they attended your concert. My middle child, Parker, has a heart of gold, he has been very touched by your story to the point of planning lemonade stands, skipping lunch at school and giving up his allowance and giving the money to you to pay for your new heart. His faith brings me to tears. My youngest, Saskya, asked one night where your new heart will come from and why you have not received one yet. We sat as a family and discussed how transplants work and how God sends comfort to both families involved in situations such as this. My oldest, Tyler, just turned 16. He sits and plays your music for hours at a time on our piano. For his birthday we just bought him some of your piano books. He loves them. Every Sunday night, we have a tradition of playing the game 'Life' as a family. We flip on the CD player or the IPOD to your hymns. You and your family are all over in my home. Thank you for your faith and your determination. Through your challenges, my children are learning some of the most valuable lessons they may ever learn. We know that you will be blessed and that your family will find peace and comfort throughout all that is to come. All of our little hearts love you!!!

  19. Paul, I am in awe of your spirit! You keep a smile on your face and hope in your heart. You are an inspiration and exaaple to us all. You and your family are alwyas in my prayers.

  20. My favorite quote of Eden's is "Girls wear make-up, Boys wear oxygen!" Thanks for making me smile :)

  21. Hello Paul,
    I cannot even imagine how difficult life is for you and yet ou handle it with such grace and dignity. You are such an inspiration to all the little Heart kids and their mommy and daddy. Everyone has a mission in life and a purpose on earth and we all know yours is to help others. Now it is time for someone to reward you with a terrific strong heart and a healthy life with your gorgeous wife and little angel Eden.
    Thank you for everything Paul!
    Big Bear hug

  22. Paul and girls,
    You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. It is so encouraging to see you smiling and speaking what seems to be more easily these days. You are making such a difference in this world--teaching so many of hope and faith and positivity. Thank you.

    Much love,
    Mindi and baby McKay

  23. Paul,
    You and your family are amazing! So uplifting. So positive. Everyday I click on your site, hoping and praying that you are in surgery for your transplant!!! Continued prayers for strength in every facet of your life.

  24. Am amazed by your stength...of unselfishness....of character....of faith...in life and your wonderful music!!!

  25. Pauk, thank you for your amazing strength, courage, faith and optimism. You continue to bless counltess lives!

  26. Hey cousin, it was good to see you the other day. I'm sorry for hugging you though. I kind of spaced that the last thing in the world you need are my germs. I spent most of the day walking around without my brain engaged. Definitely a "do over" day. Thanks for being gracious, kind and forgiving.

  27. You are so inspirational and optimistic. Your music is so touching. It has always been very calming for me to listen to. My husband and I have a daughter that just turned 3 and it is amazing to watch her. She spent a lot of time at Primary Children's when she was born because of a defect. So I totally understand the strings. Good luck with everything. I love reading how you are doing. It is very powerful to see the strength and optimism and faith that you have.

  28. Paul,
    I have been thinking about you and your beautiful wife, Lynnette and your sweet Eden. I have been praying especially hard for you, that you will receive a new heart soon.
    Thanks for the strength and wisdom you share. It helps me put my trials into perspective.
    I love you and your family,
    Grandma Ann (Alex Stewart-HLHS-Transplant-2008)
