What can we say? We’re overwhelmed. There are kind people in the world. Amidst all of the sensational headlines of war, death, and destruction, there is goodness. Generally people have good hearts and use them. I also hope for a heart that I will use for good.
I believe there is hope for anyone in great need of help. People won’t take away your grief. They won’t solve all your problems. They won’t abolish your fears. What they can do, if you’ll let them into your lives, is ease your burden.
Neil A. Maxwell wrote, “To withdraw into our private sanctuaries not only deprives others of our love, our talents and our service, but it also deprives us of chances to serve, to love, and to be loved.” He also said, “Of a truth, those who can easily bend their knees in prayer do not feel they are stooping when they bend to help a neighbor in need.”

We’ve always tried to surround ourselves with goodness in our home and in our friends. And we try to do all within our power to lift others to be worthy of service.
Soon I will have renewed energy to tutor relationships so I might find out what it is I can do to help them, lift their load, ease their pain.
It’s hard for me not to be among people and shake their hands. I miss it. I miss serving and sharing things in common and enjoying conversation.
With a new heart, God knows I will continue to share my love for life, not only through my music, but also through common friendship and private acts of kindness. But, I know it is not up to me. Our lives are not completely under our control. One minute we're here enjoy things and another we're not.
No matter where I am God knows I will always strive to improve things. If I land in hell - I'll gather people one by one and start making a heaven out of the place.
(Picture: TOP - Our City removes compost piles each Spring and Fall. This pile is a result of acts of kindess, BOTTOM - Carl Bloch painting that has hung in our home for many years.)
There's NO WAY you could ever land in hell! In my opinion you've got a straight to HEAVEN!!
ReplyDeleteI think one way to serve others is to graciously accept their help when it is offered, because we never know what blessings they may need from serving us. I have learned from my sweet friend Lisa that learning to accept service graciously is truly an art and a service to others! You guys deserve to be loved and served because you inspire so many with your hope and faith!
ReplyDeleteI don't know you that well but I know enough to know you will not be landing in hell!! But i like your attitude about it if you did!!
ReplyDeleteGuaranteed you will not land in hell. I'm still praying for you Paul - I hope Heavenly Father will listen. I so want you to be better.
ReplyDeleteEach day I check your blog and hope one of your loved ones is writing to post that you have gone to surgery to get your new heart. I hope that day will be soon.
You radiate a wonderful spirit through your music and writing - we need you here.
LOL That's the best joke I've heard all day...
ReplyDeleteThanks Paul...I needed that today! I love you!
ReplyDeleteBut Paul, you ARE serving so very many in posting your heart-felt thoughts such as this one!
ReplyDeleteI am a HUGE fan of Carl Bloch! You must know this (very large) amazing original painting hangs in the BYU art building with a special bench to sit and take it in. The man under the tarp is telling Christ he has no friend to help him into the healing waters of Bethesda & the piercing look of the man with the red cap always touches my soul - like am I doing all I should be doing to help others? Bloch was such a master!
And I love the hell comment - I had never thought of it that way...
PS - the last time I checked you had over 1000+ friends on facebook alone who would carry you on their backs into the healing waters...
ReplyDeleteWOW...I LOVE the Hell comment..lol
ReplyDeleteGreat Attitude! Of course you wont go to hell..you do so much good!
So SO SO many people are uplifted everyday because of your beautiful music..me included!
Your postitive outlook...your faith is an inspiration to ME! If you have even helped ONE person to live each day to the fullest....love someone more..or appreciate the health they have u have done good! (oh did i mention u have helped ME do ALL of that?)
I am so glad to know that the people in your life are watching out for you. It is one thing to have hundreds of us virtual people checking in on you. Quite another to be cared for by those who are *there* to be *with* you to minister. Just like Jesus walked among the lepers instead of just praying for them to be cured. He laid His hands on them. I am sorry you aren't able to have as much of that tangible right now. I think in a religion where we are taught so much about how to be kind and caring, and how important it is, it can be difficult when you are unable to offer that. And difficult, too, if when in great need there are no hands there to wrap around you. To comfort you. To uplift and encourage. Last year, just about this time, I wrote about hands. As mortals, we are physical beings. We are in need of caring hands in our lives. And when we can, we also *need* (yes, *we* need it) to be the caring hands in others lives. The power of the priesthood is a good example of how touch is so much intended to be a part of this mortal life. And how we literally are the hands of God. And when those hands are stayed from you in a great time of need, I think it's hard, but to remember that *His* hands are always outstretched, and though we cannot feel them tangibly, there is hope and we just have to endure somehow.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are well deserving of these acts of kindness. Your service to the heart community has been a great strength. I am glad that those surrounding you guys can share that same sense of service and support!
ReplyDeleteIt's a beautiful thing when a community of people come to help and brighten up your day....and Boy o boy do you deserve it!!! :0)
ReplyDeleteThinking and praying for you always!
Paul.. know we love you in Texas. We're pulling for you brutha..
ReplyDeleteLove you man.
Dain and family