I've witnessed tender acts of prayer, hope, faith, scientific gifts, talent, surgical wisdom, and other acts of kind service to me. I am grateful and feeling good.
And yet, at the same time I recognize the deep loss a family is feeling at this time.
Also, I have many tender feelings for the many heart babies who've left us to go back home to God. I hear their voices when I am sleeping and grateful to know many of their names. Their history is written all over the halls of this sacred institution.
I continue to pray for those who still remain fighting for a future with their family and to enjoy this world.
The ever lasting cycle of life's ups and downs is difficult to imagine. There is so much sadness and yet so much joy in my heart today. I am truly grateful. I feel spoiled.
One of my ecclesiastical heroes' Neal Maxwell said, "Each of us have sort of a rendezvous with destiny. And the world needs more kindness."
I feel that the Lord has been kind to me and I have much to do to honor the goodness of those who've fought this fight with me. I pray I may be worthy of your kindness and love.
I can't doubt that this is a miracle God performed.
I attribute all these many blessing and new found perspective to the God of Heaven, my wonderful wife, Eden, family, friends, and numberless strangers who are my brothers and sisters who shared a common bond.
He tenderly and patiently awaits our running home into His open arms. He is soft spoken and it takes great effort to hear His influence unless we are in such hard situations.
I love you all and look forward to doing what-ever I can to further inspire your lives for good.
We have a beautiful world and together there is nothing stopping us from making it a good experience for everyone.
photos: top - My daughter Eden putting her hand on my chest over my new heart. Middle - Making funny faces three days after surgery; bottom - thumbs up from my childhood cardiac pediatrician and PCMC pioneer George Veasy, current adult congenital cardiologist and clinical director Angela T. Yetman, and Medical Director Edward Clark, M.D., PCMC
Paul, You look great! What a miracle. We just got back from the IHH heart walk and you were missed we hope to see you there next year at the head of the pack!
ReplyDeleteKeep trucking....
Sending lots of prayers, Hilary Cook
How wonderful to see your face and hear your words again and to know that you haven't lost your sense of humor! Glad to hear you've received a thumbs up from your doctors, and we look forward to reading more of your journey back to health. Would ice cream or cheese cake help the process?
ReplyDeleteLove you! Nancy & Larry
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, but I love reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your testimony and tender feelings. Because of you my testimony has increased and I feel the importance of trying to make a bigger difference in the world!
God bless you with a speedy recovery!
Paul-Your blog is an inspiration and I am grateful for the blessings in your life. I love the Savior Jesus Christ and know He does live and loves each of us! I love keeping up with you even though you don't know me. Good luck to you!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that you have this second chance at living your life to the fullest. You deserve it! :)
ReplyDeletePaul, you look fantastic, ready to take on the world. I can't imagine how torn you must feel knowing that your gift of life came from death. That family will be blessed by sharing their family members organs. Continued prayers for your healing.
ReplyDeleteSo, so happy for you and your family! You all are such a wonderful, STRONG, humble example. THank you for your story and sharing it so graciously with us. We wish you all the best!!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading your blog and learning of your miracle. You look amazing after such an ordeal. God has truly touched you.
ReplyDeleteI am in spiritual and physical tears. What a testimony. And it is true, his voice is soft spoken and your life was blessed to hear his voice strong and loud through the challenge. Luckily, for those following your miracle, we too, were able to share his voice through yours.
ReplyDeleteI stand all amazed and my soul vibrates with joy and spiritual bliss by your very measure.
BTW, Rob and I can't believe how beautiful the color in your skin is, you look so healthy! Wow! Keep on doing that Healing Dance! You are rockin'. My moms color wasn't even close to how nice your is, even weeks after her quadruple bypass. :)
Love, Rob, Jennifer and Sophia
ReplyDeleteWe are looking forward now to you and your family experiencing new activities previously denied to you because of your ailing heart.
We would love to teach you to waterski and wakeboard for instance.
After all, you've tought us so much. Our testimony of a loving Father and Savior has been enlarged through our intimate associations. We shall never forget your sure knowledge this blessing would be granted by a loving God.
Thank you for sharing your pictures with us. I love the one of Eden gently feeling your heart beat (so sweet). All those acts of kindness you have performed
ReplyDeletehave finally come back to you. You are so deserving of this blessed miracle.
Prayers of thanks are being sent to Heaven in your honor.
Rest well brother. :)
{huge hug}
Thank you for your testimony.
ReplyDeleteGod is always speaking to us. Sometimes we need help learning how to listen. Thank you for reminding me of this.
Thank you for sharing your miracle. It reminds me to be grateful for mine, small they may be.
I just wanted you to know how blessed we are to read your blog and follow your amazing life. Those around you that live it daily are doubly bless. We are praying for you and your beautiful wife and daughter, all those envolved in this miracle. You inspire me to be and do better in life. Gob Bless.
ReplyDeletePrayer from Iowa
ReplyDeleteYou look wonderful! Praying for you as you recover.
God Bless~
Lisa in TN
Eli's Mom (L-TGA, HRHS)
All That and a Box of Rocks
You look like you are doing so well! They played your song at the heart walk this morning, it was amazing. You are truly an inspiration to many, i hope you know that! Keep getting better, you have many wonderful things ahead of you!
Libbi's mom
So good to see that you are doing so well!! What a miracle and blessing it is to all who know and don't know you!!! Our prayers continue to go out to you and your family!! SO many wonderful things await you and I am sure you have great purpose for the Lord to continue your journey here!! Eden is a lucky girl to have her daddy with her longer!! Best wishes and blessings!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your love for God, for your desire to serve the families that also fight CHD's and being such a public voice as well.
Our prayers are with you, your family, and the staff.
Terri and Family
Mom to Corbin resting in the arms of Jesus -- Complex CHD's
I have never seen Dr Yetman smile that big! When I heard the news that you had your new heart my smile was about that big as well! You are amazing and such a great example of hope as I may face your situation in the future. Good luck and I hope to hear about everything that you can accomplish with your new found life!
Holly McKell
GREAT to hear from the man of the hour! So happy to hear you are doing well and in good spirits! You look GREAT in your pics!
ReplyDeleteA BIG HOORAY for Uncle George!! Glad to see he was there by your bedside! He is an amazing man!
Paul, you look tremendous! I can't imagine all that your family has been through, I can imagine a tiny bit as my Husband underwent a 14 hour open heart surgery 2 months ago. Its a miracle he is even alive. Miracles happen everyday and you are a true example of one. What a precious gift God has given you and your family!
ReplyDeleteGREAT pictures!!!!!
ReplyDeletePaul you look absolutely fantastic!! I am so happy for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteYeah Paul! You look better already! I am just so happy for you and your family. May you be blessed with good health and so much happiness from here on...
ReplyDeleteAll sorts of tears flowing...while reading this post! I'm so very happy for you and your family...I'm so glad that you have allowed all of us to witness this journey.
ReplyDeletePraying for continued health and healing!!! You look amazing!
ReplyDeleteThank you! You have inspired me with your hope and faith and courage. I look forward to your updates and am filled with joy and gratitude to see you gaining strength and energy. I am grateful that Lynette and Eden have this wonderful life to enjoy with you. Dads and husbands are so important in their families lives. You are one who understands that importance. May you feel the love of Heavenly Father and the love and admiration I have for you and your family. My prayers are with you.
Love, Debbie Castleton
Wow, you look great! You all look so happy as you should be! So nice to see you on this side of the journey!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that your cute family makes room for "fun" and silliness during a rough, yet AWESOME time!!! Always thinking of you, Lynette, and Eden. Here's to 90+ sats and a strong, healthy heart!!
ReplyDeleteI stumbled onto your blog many weeks ago.. Since then, I have spent many hours reading it, and shedding tears for you and your family. Although, we have never met one another, you have helped me in so many ways, I wouldn't even know where to begin. Please know that you have a family in Florida that prays for you daily and that thinks of you. God Bless you and your beautiful family.
ReplyDeletePraise be to God! And thank you for being such a loving and willing instrument for God to show His miraculous power!
ReplyDeletePaul, I have been keeping up on your blog over the past year since Heather told us to pray for you in the CH2 primary. I could tell that just last week you seemed to be close to giving up. It seems that your new heart came just in the nic of time. The lesson I have learned from you is to never give up and to always have faith in a loving heavenly father. He knew it was not your time just yet! Thank you so much for sharing your journey and your testimony. You are such a great example and make me want to be a better person.
ReplyDeleteI know there are many who follow your blog, but I want to let you know how much your wisdom and faith inspire me. I am a "heart mom". Even though my son, Ethan passed away at PCMC 6 1/2 years ago, I am still a "heart mom". It is good to hear stories about PCMC, a place I cherish as my second home for 2 years. I know the Lord has blessed you and your family. I am so glad you have your new heart....I have no doubt you will put it to amazing use and inspire many.
ReplyDeleteKaren Ellis
We are overjoyed to hear that you got your heart and pray that you will have a full recovery. You and your family inspire all of us. You're in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteWhat a blessing to see you doing so well; God's miracle, indeed. It is SOOOOOO heartwarming to see Eden touching your new HEART! God Bless, my friend!
ReplyDeleteIt does my heart such good to hear your mind clear and heart beating with this gift from the Lord. What a miracle He has performed in your life. Thank you for the love and inspiration you exude to other heart families like ours by the example you have set by walking through the darkest night with such faith and endurance. We give thanks to the Lord this day! Praying for Lynette and Eden as well - you are a beautiful and truly blessed family!
ReplyDeletePaul, Lynette, and Eden!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't stopped by for about a week and today.....surprise!!!! I have been praying for you all daily and you have crossed my thoughts on a daily basis the last few weeks. I cried tears of joy and a few sad ones for the family who is grieving right now as I read your posts about the transplant. I hope all continues to go well and your recovery is smooth. You look so much better already than you did last week!!! You will continue to be in my prayers.
I cannot even imagine the emotions you all are feeling, I too pray with you for the wonderful person who continued to give you life. It gives me chills just thinking about it, I look to it as when Jesus died for us and here someone else did the same, they could no longer live here in earth but a part of them could, what an amazing gift and what a blessing. Paul, I really believe your a valiant person that is needed here on this earth to teach the rest of us, I know our Heavenly Father is proud of you and for the Faith you have continued to have even when it has probably been worse then any of us can imagine. What a gift it is that you have. Lynnette, you as well: Your such a valiant woman; you have been through SO much in your lifetime, I have felt so honored to be your friend and to share SO many similarities with you, though they have been SO hard- I am glad I have you to trust and console. Tomorrow will be 2 months since losing my brother, it has been so hard- I am blessed to know that Paul has done SO AMAZING, it has helped to enlighten the hardships I have felt in the past 2 months. Eden, your such an amazing girl- my kids have LOVED having you for a friend, they talk about you all the time, what a sweet sweet spirit. Again Cardalls Thank you SO much for opening your lives to teach us, Thank you to the donor family who gave life, it's such a sacrifice in such a hard time in your lives, what an example and gift the person who donated was. Our prayers continue to you as well. Again, we will continue to pray, you look SO great and I LOVE the funny face pictures, it's a face I can see Eden being excited to do.. Get the rest that you need.. We are thinking of you all. hugs and loves and many prayers.
ReplyDeletePaul! You are amazing! We're still praying. We want to see what incredible things you can do with that heart of yours. Mostly we want to see you be a fabulous hubby & fantastic daddy!
ReplyDeleteWhat an answer to prayers for me personally. I started bawling when I read Lynnette's first post. Then I posted something on my blog about it being a happy day when our Heavenly Father delights to bless his children!
Can't wait to hear your next NEW album! I'll be in line to pick it up.
Best of wishes always!
And keep posting!
I'm so happy your doing so well. I am sure Heavenly Father is smiling from ear to ear right now. His loving tender mercies have definitley been poured out upon you. Take care.
ReplyDeleteYou inspire me. Here is to a very happy and a very long life.
ReplyDeleteYou inspire me. Here is to a very happy and a very long life.
ReplyDeletePaul you look fantastic! Can you feel the new heart beating in your ears? Scott was amazed right away at the steady, strong beat after living his whole life with an imperfect heart. Can you feel the pulse in your fingertips? Are your toes pink? All of the things most of us take for granted are very apparant to me now! Our family continues to pray for yours. Our kids are so excited to know that you have your new heart. They know firsthand how difficult the waiting is. Today Scott played on the playground with the kids. He can't keep up with them yet but it's coming! Soon you can jump on the trampoline with Eden. I'm so happy for your miracle! I can never doubt that miracles happen because I've seen them with my own eyes!! Keep smiling:)
ReplyDeleteToday at the IHH Heart Walk they announced that you had recieved your new heart, and even though most of us have been following your story and knew it already, everyone burst into cheers. They also honored the angels who lost their CHD battles with your music playing in the back ground and it was so fitting and beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being such an inspiration to all of us.
U look AMAZING! Yipeeeee! Congrats on getting your new heart! My prayers are with u and your family :) and also with the family of your incredible donor :)
ReplyDeleteI am always in awe of your humility and courage and of course your positive outlook :) I am so excited for Eden (and your lovely wife) that they get to have u around for many, many more years :)
Miracles do happen! And I cant think of a better family than yours to be the Miracle :)
Keep Smiling...and enjoy your new ticker!
You are truly an inspiration! To read your words of faith and love--well, there is just no denying that you are meant to be among us to help spread those words to those of us who need to hear them.
ReplyDeleteI know that Lynnette's deepest, most sincere prayers have been answered. Blessing to you for a full and speedy recovery!
I randomly came across your blog a few months back and I have been praying for you and your sweet family. I had tears in my eyes reading the last few updates. Miracles really do happen! God bless.
ReplyDeleteSo good to see the ventilator out and you on your way to recovery. You will always feels sorrow and yet gratitude for your donor family. I do mine. Please give "uncle George" Veasy a big hug for me and tell him Lisa Keller thinks he is a miracle worker and one brilliant doctor.
ReplyDeletePaul and Lynette,
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! We have been behind in the wonderful news (such a bummer not having consistent internet!) and I cried tears of joy for your family. I had a few wonderful friends who called to let me know that our prayers in behalf of the Cardall family were answered and we Kyle and I are ECSTATIC to hear how well you are recovering so far (Thanks Lynette for keeping the posts going!). What an absolute miracle. Our prayers also extend to the wonderful donor family who are allowing new life to come from their loss... I hope that they can feel peace somehow knowing what an absolute gift hey have given.
Please keep the updates coming as you have time and energy to do so. I would love to learn some of the details of what life after transplant is like and how the recovery process is. What an absolute joy it has been to get to know you both in person and through the blog world. :) Tonight and every night from now on will truly be nights for celebration!!
Alli and Kyle Hicken (and Grant too!)
Your past never cease to bring tears to my eyes. I love the pictures. Here's to no rejection and feeling better than you have in a long while!
ReplyDeleteYou are an astounding individual. So much to be gleaned and learned from you! Thank you for letting us be a small part of it!
Melissa - IHH
I cannot even begin to express how happy I am for you and your family. I feel truly blessed to have your words and story in my life. I, too will keep reading up of your recovery.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Libbis Grammy
OH My GOODNESS!!! I am so so so so happy! I got the news late- why am I always behind??
ReplyDeleteOh Paul and Lynette- I am so happy for you!! What a beautiful blessing. Your story has been so incredible for so many readers. Thank you so much for including us!
Oh I am just too excited- Ok I have to call some people!!
Paul, you do not know me but I am a friend of Holly Saunders-Mckell, She is a fellow heart patient and on your video. She is the one through whom I found your blog. I have been meaning to write to you for almost a year now and think Holly was inspired to put your blog out for me to see. Last October I had premature twins who lived only a short while. A kind neighbor offered to put together a DVD with all our pictures of the twins. I chose music to put in the background. In searching itunes for inspiring music I came across your version of I Am A Child Of God. That piece sounded just like I feel about my precious angles. It heals my heart everytime I listen to it, which I have every day for almost a year. Thank you so much. I believe your trials have made you sensitive to suffering and how to heal in just the right way. Thank you again. I pray for your full recovery.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, Paul, but your music has played a part in getting my life back- my spiritual life. Particularly your song "Breathe". I've listened to that song at least a million times I think.
ReplyDeleteI just learned of your battle last Monday when I happened across your "Living for Eden" blog while looking for a particular picture of Christ. Your blog touched me so deeply I have been praying for you and your family ever since and asking others to do the same.
I'm so happy for you and pray that miracles continue for you, your wife, and your precious little girl.
Paul, I sat here and read this post with Jack, (www.hlhsbabies.blogspot.com) and he pointed to the picture and said "he has a chest tube like me!" Sadly, my 3 year old can identify chest tubes when he sees them. Looking at those pictures myself reminds me of the sensation that rushes over you when you come into the PICU to see you baby after surgery. It is inexplicable, and I can't imagine how your parents have done it so many times. I admire your family and there are no words for how happy I am that they have you, and your new heart. I have always wondered what it feels like, to have a weak heart, that surgeons improve. You wake up with better blood flow, oxygen, and it must feel like being born again.
ReplyDeleteOur thoughts are with all of you. I hope you recover quickly and get off that darn Lasix. It's preventing us from potty training :)
Good luck-
Lisa Trent
ReplyDeleteThanks for allowing me to include your music at the IHH walk. IT WAS PERFECT! Not only did we use it as background music for the Angel Butterfly Release, but I also included it as the background for the Moment of Silence as we thought of those in the hospital fighting their battles. I left your music on during that time (so in a way it wasn't a true Moment of Silence) but the crowd was so quiet as they listed and I am sure many silent prayers and good thoughts were aimed in your direction.
Eveyone at the walk cheered about your transplant. Oh, I so wish you could have been a fly on the wall so you could have seen 600+ cheering for you. It was so touching that when I moved on to the Angel Ceremony, I was already so emotional that I forgot some of the things I had planned, but in the end it still worked out perfectly.
You are truly amazing and you and your family continue to be in our families thoughts and prayers.
Carolyn Quigley, President
Hi Paul,
ReplyDeleteThis post has touched me so dearly. A few years back my sister and I made the very hard decision to donate our brother,Wesley's heart. He was in an accident that left him brain dead and left us with a lot of questions. We made the decision to allow Wesley to go home to the Lord and leave his organs behind as gifts. It has been such a hard journey without him but knowing that He was able to live on through others has made our hearts happier. Your gift was given with the same love and compassion I am sure of. Please accept your heart without sadness for it is because of you and others like you that make living worth giving. You and your family will remain in my prayers. God Bless~ Susie Harris
You are an insperation to our family your courage and musci has helped us deal with our own family tradgedy and trial and gives us strength to keep going.
The Max family
Fresno 7th ward clovis ca
Well said. What a beautiful and honest testimony. We are so grateful for you sharing with us so much and that we have the opportunity to pray for you and everyone involved! We agree too-you look great! Way more color already! We are in awe of recovery-wow! Soo good to hear from you too.
ReplyDeleteI had a funny thought but I keep thinking about it: you are so lucky because now you have basically TWO BIRTHDAYS you get to Celebrate!!!! :] Lucky!!!!! You've got a whole new & different life ahead of you now huh....keep enjoying it to the fullest!
Love, Chelsea & John Phillips
I work as a room service assistant and Primary's, I have delivered a couple of trays to your room. Before I knew who you were, I would listen to this song all the time called "I feel my Savior's love" and it was piano music my Paul Cardall. It was the only thing that helped me sleep while I was really homesick away from home at school. I had no idea that it was the person who was sick in the hospital until a couple weeks ago. Just last Sunday, I decided to fast just for you and your family. I am so excited that you have received your new heart. You inspire me so much. Thanks. Good luck on the rest of your recovery!
ReplyDeleteThank you for helping me remember the goodness in life. Helping me to remember that our Heavenly Father loves and cares for each of us. Thanks for helping me remember that Heavenly Father sends people into our lives to help us get through difficult times. Thanks for helping me remember that we can show our gratitude by serving others and possibly be instruments in God's hands and not even know it. Thank you for touching my life. You and your family are in my prayers every night!
ReplyDeleteOh Paul and family! We are so happy for you. Look at your nailbeds and cheeks...SO pink!!! You are in our every prayer.
ReplyDeleteI am so greatful for your friendship, and as I spoke to your dear wife, of course, she kept asking about me and my family, as I was trying to find out about you. Now get better so we can make a tee time. I can't wait!!! And thanks again for being a friend, not just in name but in deed as well.
We have been out of town this past week, but I can't tell you how thrilled I am to come home and see that Paul finally got his heart! Congratulations. It is an answer to many prayers. We are so happy for this miracle.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new LIFE! We are all so excited for you, and your entire family. This is such a wonderful miracle to behold. We sure needed to see this happen! I was excited to be one of the first people to know about your impending transplant! The text came into my cell phone from Tom to tell Michele..waiting in line at Disneyland of all places. I guess it really is the "Happiest Place on Earth". We will continue to pray for your fast recovery!
ReplyDeleteStephanie (Michele G's Sister)
Paul, you don't know me, and I've only recently been introduced to your amazing journey through pain and faith. I have kept you in my thoughts and prayers, and continue to do so, for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteYour faith, your testimony, has given me strength, and deep sense of hope- that there are truly "God like" people still abounding on this earthly abode. Cheers to you, and many many more years of good health!
Lacey Sue Williams - Utah
Looking good Paul! You are such an inspiration to SO many including me! All CHDer including me are my heroes no matter what path God has in store for them! May God continue to bless you and praying your recovery continues to be smoothe! Your in my thoughts!
ReplyDeleteWith LOTS of Hope, Love, and Faith,
Lauren (22yr. old w/Tricuspid Atresia aka HRHS)
Blog: www.laurensheart.blogspot.com
You look wonderful and I am so happy for your family. God is good! Blessing for a quick recovery!
ReplyDeleteOh Paul:
ReplyDeleteSo very happy to hear of your blessed gift of life! SO incredibly happy that you are on your way to a new journey with your family and friends. As a fellow transplant recipient, I completely understand your feeling for your donor family, but please take comfort in knowing that they eventually will take comfort in knowing that you have been given new life by their loved one. I wish you and your family much love, peace, endurance, strength, and continued faith in the months ahead for your recovery. We'll be in touch,
I am so happy for you guys! What a miracle. I will remember the family in my prayers as they are struggling.
ReplyDeleteAs the parent of a donor I can tell you that there is no better consolation than knowing that when your loved one left this earth he was able to leave a gift that would significantly change the course of someone’s life.
ReplyDeleteI found this poem yesterday and there were parts of it that spoke to me. I took some liberties with it…It’s called the Miracle by Michael Anderson.
There is a majestic quality
In everyone for all to see.
Some keep it hidden, some never realize-
The magnificence they hold in others’ eyes.
Ah yes, life itself is the gift.
Though the memory, itself, Time doth sift.
And some might think the reverence gone-
As those we love one by one pass on.
But the intricacies Fate doth weave-
In the commemoration for all who grieve,
Are the blessings given to rebirth-
From souls no longer of this earth.
At first notice I came undone,
some-one living because of my son.
But now, in joy I ascertain-
Through him, my son lives on again.
I look to heavens’ resounding grace-
Renewed appreciation of life and my place.
Knowing as others journey on
The miracle continues- a brighter dawn
Dale and I have no words to express the happiness in our hearts for you and your family and loved ones.
Continued prayer for your speedy recovery,
I am a great admirer of your music and your faith. What a great pleasure to see you recovering!
ReplyDeleteYou are richly blessed!
This great news has reached Tucson Arizona. We appreciate your generous spirit of faith and your blog is filled with so much inspiriation that it can be a bit overwhelming to experience so much good in one place. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHi Paul!!!!! You better believe you are off that respirator!! It's just a matter of time before you are playing with that sweet little girl of yours and playing those piano keys.
ReplyDeleteI was at dinner with some friends on Saturday down here in Phoenix, and one of them mentioned what you and your cute family are going through. I said, "Paul Cardall? Wait, I know Paul Cardall." I told her that we were friends, that we went to school together and that you played at my farewell!! That was 12 years ago. Anyway, my husband and I will remember you in our prayers. Speedy, speedy recovery. You've got way too much to do and music to write to be there too long. Moroni 8:3 I like that one.
P.S. The pudding is always good no matter what. Remember that. Salmon, iffy!!!!
---working on my own cd. You knew I sang a little, but I write music too. Wish me luck!!
Bobbi James Wickens
WOW!!!! I am so happy for you! I was wondering when you would get your new heart, and I am so happy that you now have it. I hope you have a great recovery and many wonderful years ahead with that miracle beating inside you. :) Wonderful news!!!!
ReplyDeleteCardall Family -
ReplyDeleteI've been watching your blog weekly this year and logged on today to check in on your and am amazed - CONGRATULATIONS! My little sister had a transplant when she was 8, among the first performed at Primary. She passed away last year from cancer (age 24). Loved this statement:
Also, I have many tender feelings for the many heart babies who've left us to go back home to God. I hear their voices when I am sleeping and grateful to know many of their names. Their history is written all over the halls of this sacred institution.
We think she hangs out up there a bit! :D
You look terrific, Paul! So fun to see you and Lynette and Eden together post surgery. The best is yet to come - work hard and love every minute. I know you will! Our prayers are with you, your family and the donor family. Hugs :-)
ReplyDeleteI am so grateful that all is going well for you and your family. Your family has been in our thoughts and prayers. My little boy, Joshua, was born on December 31, 2008 with tricuspid atresia, transposition of the great vessels,and a venticular septal defect. At the time we didn't know of your heart problems, but we found it interesting that as we were driving to the hospital for labor to be induced we were listening to one of your cd's to help bring peace to our hearts. Joshua spent 5 weeks at Primary Children's. He had 4 surgeries before he came home the first time. He had the Glenn done in June. I am so grateful for Primary Children's Medical Center and the spirit there. Joshua is doing great now. We are so grateful each day for life together. Thank you for sharing your story and giving hope to others. May the Lord bless you and your family each day!!! Sarah
ReplyDeleteI LOVED Listening to the Music! You have a Strong Testimony of Jesus Christ and I appreciate your Happy Example!
ReplyDeleteOur family could not be happier for your 'gift of life' You have been an inspiration to us, and my son Noah especially looks up to you, as he shares your same heart defect.
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you all,
The Griffith Family
The people of central Washington send you our love and best wishes for a speeder recovery. Your life has touched ours and buoys us up in our very small tribulations. Thank you for such an amazing blog and an even more amazing spirit.
ReplyDeleteThe Yeates Family
We are so touched by your story, faith and beautiful music. Continue to recover and know we are praying for you and your family. You are amazing.
Mom to Luke - TGA, VSD
We are praying for you all from Argentina. You are a big inspiration for us all, so thank you for your big example of faith and patience. We hopr blessings from Heaven would be with you and Paul will recover fast.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you and your family. I have been following this blog for a long time.
ReplyDeleteYou are a real insipration to all of the heart families... ( including mine. My son Hunter had his fontan 2 months ago )
May you heal quickly an dget back to living life to its fullest
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me but we have spent alot of time at PCMC. they are such a blessing to have right here in our own little state. I am so happy for you and your family. I have been following your blog and you are an amazing man. Your testimony is an inspiration to me. Best of luck...keep Climbing!
Sue K
You look amazing Paul! I cannot believe the difference! Seeing Angela Yetman is somewhat tender, because although she is my husband Mike's Cardiologist too, she was also the cardiologist that was there the day our son passed away. Bittersweet feelings. And I do not doubt there will be a day when you do not think of the donor and his family. What a gift to give. Keep truckin', and just know so many are praying and have your family in there thoughts.
ReplyDeleteHeart hugs,
Mike and Emily
I just wanted to share something with you. Every time my 9 and 7 year have prayed since last Thursday September 10th...they sincerely thank Heavenly Father that you received your NEW HEART.
ReplyDeleteI am so grateful that you have shared your miracle with us. It is wonderful for my children to see that "Miracles Do Happen!"
You and your family are awesome, wonderful, amazing....the cream of the crop....I could go on....
ReplyDelete....I continute to pray for Pauls full recovery!
May God continue to bless you and your family -- you are ever in my prayers. You are my hero!
ReplyDeleteI just saw Paul! So happy you finally got your new heart. Praying for a quick recovery and wonderful life ahead.
ReplyDeleteSarah Cochran
Prayers continue in NC. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. God is so powerful, bless you and your family!
ReplyDeleteErin and I are so happy that this miracle has blessed your life. We continue to keep you in our prayers. We wish you a quick recovery and thank you so much for your example of faith.
God Bless!
Bart & Erin Olson
Hi my name is Tara and I'm almost 18 years post double lung transplant. So glad to hear you got your heart and I will be praying for you!
ReplyDeleteI am amazed by your strength and overwhelming positive attitude. When I saw you at the SLCC graduation this year I was even more overcome by your strength and stamina. Thank you for beautiful music that we play in our home continually. I look forward to new music that will come after your full recovery!!
ReplyDeleteWith tears, I once again rejoice with you and thank God for you. For your faith, for your gratitude and for God's miracles.
ReplyDeleteI am so very glad you are doing so well! You have inspired so many people, and will continue to do so. I love what you said about your feelings for the heart babies who have left--it makes me happy that you now know Annika's name. I think they are doing amazing work on the other side, and are cheering you on to continue doing your amazing work here. The world is a better place because you are here.
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ReplyDeleteThe first photo, with your family is awe inspiring and touching. It is so beautiful that one can hear your music through it. What a cherished and loving moment. Continue to go forth and heal quickly.
ReplyDeleteGod bless both your family and the family that is hurting and missing. May God's love touch them and bring peace into their lives.
Love your family and your music. ♥♥♥
Lookin' good! Keep up the fabulous progress! We're cheering for you back at home!
ReplyDeleteLots of love,
John, Chelle, Isaac and Eliza
Praise God!! I can hardly wait to hear the first song to come out of your new heart. It will surely be one that takes on a whole new meaning.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you, your wife, and your sweet little girl who makes this all worth it. See you back at the piano soon!
God is Good! How very wonderful to see this picture of you and your happy family. So glad the transplant went well and so very happy you are doing well and that you continue to have a strong faith in God and a strong faith in what is good... including a good attitude!
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you and your family!!
Paul we are so thrilled about your new heart and the progress you are making to get well. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you and your beautiful family!!
ReplyDeleteBrent & Megan Bourne
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ReplyDeletePaul, I am thrilled for you and your family that your transplant has been such a success! It is truly a blessing to have your prayers so generously answered by one who has completed their life here on this earth. Thank you for your example of strength, courage and humility. I was very touched by your testimony and it was something I really needed to have this morning. Thank you.
ReplyDelete;) Jenny from Snellies
Paul -
ReplyDeleteThanks for your inspiring Story - I first learned of you through Grace Gledhills blog and another Friend of ours who has heart problems, Mark and Summer Strickland and their baby boy Mason. Thank you for your inspiring messages. You have a beautiful family - what a gift you have been given. Stay strong.
Kelly Sobotka Family - Highland UT
Thank you for your wonderful message reminding us all that their is a God who loves us and if we listen we can hear. I am so glad you took the time to share your message of hope. Best wishes, Michelle