Sunday, September 20, 2009

Friend decides to make marathon a run for the money

BY PATRICE ST. GERMAIN | The Spectrum in St. George, Utah

HURRICANE, UTAH - Running 26 miles in a marathon gives a sense of accomplishment to the runner, but Cory Reese decided to give his run on Oct. 3 extra meaning by putting together a charity team.

Reese, Karrie and Shane Nielsen and others will be running to raise money for Reese's friend Paul Cardall, a recent heart-transplant recipient through Intermountain Donor Services. Read More


  1. Paul, I can't tell you how happy I am for you and your progress. I don't know you personally, but we have mutual friends and I have enjoyed reading about your journey through all of your trials. You and your family are so blessed and now we can be blessed with more of your wonderful music.

  2. What a great example of love. Way to go Cory and friends.

    Carolyn Quigley
    President, IHH

  3. I just saw your new story on the news this morning! How wonderful that you are HOME!!! It is amazing transplants can be done and I love the picture you have on the side showing Jesus helping the surgeon. That's what we always prayed about for our daughters surgeries...for the surgeons to be guided.

    You look so rejuvenated. I bet you can really tell a difference. I have been praying for you and your family and will continue to wish you all well in the future. I will be sad when this blog is no longer posted on but it will be good to start a new chapter in your life and heal.


  4. Paul, I don't know you but I've been following your journey for a few months now. I saw your homecoming story on the news last night and I'm so happy that you are feeling so well and that all things are going perfectly. I was given one of your CD's as a gift not long ago and I have enjoyed it so have an amazing talent! My husband and I will be at the Finish Line of the Marathon (our daughter is the Operations Manager) and we will look for your friends and get some pictures. Good Luck to them and to YOU!

  5. Yay for good friends and good music! So happy that you were able to go home with your family after TWO weeks. Amazing! :)
