We sense a great deal of energy from Paul that is anxious to come out when his body is able to comply. The anticipation of the great things that we will see from him in the future with this new found energy is exciting. We are all just awestruck at the steps he is making towards recovery.
What a gift from God this has been, as the miracles continue to come. And what a gift from a selfless family this has provided for us. We are deeply overcome with love for them and their sacrifice as we see the new heart beating in Paul's chest under his skin.
Please continue to pray for a smooth recovery as we still have obstacles to overcome. Again, we thank you all so much for the love you have extended to us.
As we read a few of your comments to Paul earlier while he was still on the ventilator, he was so overcome with emotion that it was difficult for him. We treasure all the comments, well wishes, and prayers you continue to send our way. We are richly blessed.
Thank you for the update!! My husband and I have both checked back over and over again, hoping to hear more good news. We are just so excited for your little family and its new chance at so many things!! I've been thinking a lot about Paul climbing that mountain... can't WAIT to see that happen now! :)
ReplyDeleteI will pray for a successful recovery & for the family who gave you Paul's amazing gift!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the update! My prayers were answered. I prayed that he could come off the vent soon. I continue to pray and I am so happy for you.
ReplyDeleteI continue to pray for each of you, collectively and individually. My heart swells at the joyful news!!! May peace settle in all hearts, ours in good days to come, and for those who have cause to mourn...God bless you all!!!!
ReplyDeleteMerci pour votre exemple de courage et de foi !
ReplyDeleteThank you for the update--thrilling that Paul is doing so very well!
We will continue prayers of thanksgiving for this amazing gift and for the family that shared it.
Also prayers for Paul's smooth recovery.
Tick, tick, tick=miracle!
Oh my gosh! My own heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I read the posts this morning! I had company all day yesterday and didn't get online. As soon as I woke up today I came to check on Paul. I am in tears I am so happy!I do not know you personally but have come to love your precious family through your blog. Paul, I am so happy for you and so grateful for the very special family who made this possible. May we all keep them in our prayers and be so forever grateful to them. Congratulations Paul, Lynette and Eden. May God continue to watch over you.
ReplyDeleteWoke up repeatedly last night thinking of Paul in revocovery and had a burden to pray. Cant imagine what this must be like for your precious family to see this prayer answered and have a new lease on life. May the Great Physician continue to work miracles in your life and give you a smooth transition back to health. Lynette, praying for you as you support and hold it together for precious Eden. Blessings on your dear family!
ReplyDeleteSo happy to hear Paul is well! How wonderful! Our prayers accompany you on your recovery journey.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Paul!
ReplyDeleteWe are so happy to hear things are going well!! Keep trucking along Paul...but remember to enjoy the process!! Praying for an easy recovery!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh Lynette, I am so happy to hear this! I have happy tears for you guys today!
ReplyDeleteStill praying for y'all here in Texas!! Amazed that he is talking and joking--- what a character! Can't wait for more updates and news. He's a fighter! We are so happy fo you!
ReplyDeleteHadn't checked your blog over the Labor Day weekend, and today was so excited to find this news of the transplant! You are in my prayers for a continued speedy recovery! Miracles do happen!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you guys. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope it is smooth sailing from here on out.
ReplyDeleteI'm crying with joy for you and your sweet family! I hold on to the truth that "miracles happen" everyday with our sweet Mason too! Praying for a great recovery. Thanks for your example.
ReplyDeleteLove, Mason's Mommy
All is well carries so many emotions for me.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this one, what a miracle and a blessing all in one.
I'm so amazed when blessings for one family come through the adversity of others.
Best wishes.
You don't know me, but I wanted to extend my congratulations and share in the great happiness that Paul has a new heart and is doing well. Know that there is much rejoicing by strangers happening all over the country at Paul's news!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog a few weeks ago through a local heart baby's blog and was captivated by your story. I am so thrilled that Paul has a chance at "happily ever after" with his beautiful family.
Paul, I am simply thrilled for you and your family!!! God is so good! I am praying for a speedy recovery for you. I am also praying for sweet peace for the selfless family.
ReplyDeleteGod is so good!!! Rest, rest, rest!
Prayers will indeed continue. God speed!
ReplyDeletePaul, Lynette, and Eden,
ReplyDeleteWith all the countless prayers offered in your family's behalf, it's no wonder that Paul is doing so well! We continue to pray for Paul's recovery and anticipate the day he can go home.
The Bartholomews
Thank you for the updates...wow that's great news!!!! You guys are such wonderful exemple of faith! And yes...miracles happen!!
ReplyDeleteI'm friends/neighbor of Tom and Michele Gledhill. I have heard a lot about you. (All good of course!) I have even met you once while you were at their house for dinner one evening. I am so happy for you guys! What a long awaited blessing! I'll be praying for you to have a speedy recovery! Love, Stephanie
ReplyDeleteLIfe is so precious and there are so many hugs, kisses and smiles for all of you to share. I have been praying for your family and am so glad to hear that Paul is doing well. What a blessing! My heart goes out to you and all that you have been through, Please let Paul know that a family in Round Rock , Texas is thinking and praying for him and your family. May God continue to bless you as you recover!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your miracle with us. It is wonderful to hear of God's touch in a sometimes bleak world. My prayers are with your for a continuous steady recovery. God Bless!
ReplyDeleteagain, we don't even know you, but found your blog through a few other "heart" blogs from a dear sister in our ward who lost a baby in July to a genetic heart condition.... I have been following you and telling my children and husband about you.... and we've all been praying for you! Your sweet little girl and wife need their daddy and sweetheart!! WE are thrilled with your news -- and pray you make a full recovery and feel wonderful. Watched the movie "Return to Me" last night with my husband in honor of you! :o) Best Wishes
ReplyDeleteHi Paul, Just wanted to add my big "HOORAY" to your list of well-wishers. What amazing news. I've been reading your blog every week or so for the past few months since I heard of your health challenges. So happy to hear you are on the mend and all is going well. I'll keep checking-in for my weekly dose of inspiriation & emotion (hopefully only happy tears now :-). - Michelle (Adair) Paul
ReplyDeleteSo thrilled about your progress Paul. Glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction. We will continue to pray for you and your family. You guys deserve the best.
ReplyDeletePaul, no one is more deserving of this than you. Thank you for making me laugh during that boring second hour of church. My wife and I cannot thank you enough for being our friend. Never have I met someone with a faith and trust in our Savior like you. We wish you the best of luck on the wonderful journey ahead of you. THANK YOU!
ReplyDeleteAwww. Deep breath, tears...I am so happy for you guys! Still think of you often. Lynette, in all these years you are on my list of favorite people of my life. I love you! xoxox, Kelly Griffiths Taeoalii
ReplyDeleteLynette, When Paul came to visit Kaidence a couple of weeks ago when in the hospital he made a comment as to how jealous he was of her saturations at 99-100%. He told me that he has never known levels like that in his life. We are in awe that he has come of the ventilator so quickly. Tell him to keep up the good work and that before he knows it, he will be satting just like Kaidence.
ReplyDeleteI do not know you and your family, Paul, but I've followed your blog from time to time and was thrilled yesterday to read "The long awaited post!" I am even happier today as I read that you are continuing to progress and regain strength and energy. I have offered silent prayers in your behalf and it is wonderful to see this miracle come to pass. Lynnette, my prayers are equally with you and all of Paul's family who have been and will continue to be Paul's caregivers. May God bless each one of you and most especially Paul in the hours and days to come. I hope his recovery from this surgery will be complete and speedy.
ReplyDeleteThanks be to God, from who ALL blessing flow....
ReplyDeleteThank you Jesus, for this good report.
Lynnette, we continue to pray for your husband (and you)!
Lisa in TN
(Eli's Mom: L-TGA, HRHS)
Someone showed me your blog a couple of weeks ago and I have been following it since. What an incredible miracle has been bestowed on you and your family.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with you for your complete healing and also with the incredibly unselfish family who opted to give life as one they loved was losing theirs.
Much love to all the families involved.
Michelle Keller
Sandy, UT
Paul and Lynnette,
ReplyDeleteI was introduced to this site a week ago and was very touched by what I read. I have always loved your music Paul and I did not know you had gone through so many trials. As I listen to your songs, they bring tears to my eyes. They touch my spirit. I have thought a lot about what I am going to leave behind as a legacy when I leave this earth. Musicians leave their music to touch lives...Artits, leave their beautiful works of art...Writers leave their words that can be read over and over agian. I don't have those specific talents, but now I am inspired to find my talents and leave some sort of amazing legacy behind. I am so happy and excited that you have been given a 2nd chance in this life,so that you can continue to touch others lives with your music and your good works!! Thank you for renewing my faith in Miracles!!! Congratulations! I will continue to pray for you, your family, and all those that this new heart has effected.
Thank you,
I have been following your blog for awhile now and I wanted to join in with all the others in saying tears of joy are flowing for your family! God is good! When my daughter was two days old we found out that she had Tetrology of Fallot (she is 7 now). She had the major part of the repair when she was 4 months old. She will still need a valve at some point. In the meantime she has really struggled with her health. Reading your story and seeing your faith, peace, and hope staying strong no matter the circumstance has been inspiring. Looking forward to seeing all that God has in store for you! Thanks again for sharing. Congratulations to your whole family!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Paul,
ReplyDeleteI have quietly followed your blog for some time now. I just want you to know that I've prayed for you all along and am so glad that you've finally received a new heart. You have been an inspiration to me in some pretty dark times and I'm grateful for that.
Dear Paul, Lynnette and Family -
ReplyDeleteI am so happy that the long awaited heart has finally come. It is true...miracles do happen and you deserved this miracle in your lives. How wonderful that everything is going so well right now. I got the chills when I read the last 2 post because I know Heavenly Father had a hand in this. My daughter also has CHD and there were some things we went through thinking 'why is this taking so long?' But I know it was only making us stronger and you and your family is much stronger now too. Praying for you and your family and a fast and speedy recovery! :)
Wahoo. ..continued prayers for an amazing recovery.
Dear Paul, Lynette, and Eden,
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful news. I remember vividly the day Margaret told me that Paul was on the transplant list. What an incredible journey. May you continue to feel and recognize the prayers on your behalf, and may they continue through the recovery phase of this journey.
Warmest Regards,
Jordan Larson Family
I knew some good news should be coming when no post had been made in a few days!!! I found your blog through a friend and have been so strongly attached since. What a wonderful family and your strength is amazing. My husband even got emotion when I told him yesterday you had received your heart. Prayers and well wishes are pouring in for your quick recovery. I hope that heart is big enough for the amazing person that just received it!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis news is so wonderful. I have been following Paul's blog for just under a year now. I first heard of Paul's music when Deseret Book was giving away a free CD with a purchase. Paul's song, Grateful, was on there, and my kids and I fell in love with the song. The kids made me play it over and over again as we drove in the car.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to find out more about Paul's music, so I googled him. I found this blog and have been following it ever since. I even remember last Chistmas time, when Paul was in line for a heart, and then it didn't come through. That was tough to take.
Paul, your words, the words of others you have posted, and the stories of others going through trials have truly been uplifting to me this past little while. Plus your music is so beautiful. I hope that in your recovery, you will continue to share with us your words, and especially your music. But most of all, I hope that Eden will grow to learn what a wonderful dad she has, and how much of an inspiration she is to so many.
Our prayers are with you and your family.
Miracles do happen. We are so grateful that things are going well. You continue to be in our prayers and on the temple prayer roll here in Portland. We are so eager to talk to you, but will wait till things calm down a bit. We hope you know and can feel how much we love you both and can't wait to see you sometime. And to hike Grass Creek with Paul. :)
ReplyDeleteI am just so Happy and thankful that you are getting to experience this tender Mercy from our Heavenly Father! I will continue to Pray and think about you and your Family!
ReplyDeleteI have followed your story in the Deseret News and can't even express how happy I am for you and your family. You have inspired me through all of your challenges. I pray Heavenly Father will continue to bless you all.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure yo have no idea how many people are praying for you and thinking of you! This morning my husband heard about Paul's new heart on the radio and called me at home to give me the great news! He was all choked up. We don't know you personally, but we feel like we do! :)
ReplyDeletePaul (and family)...thank you so much for teaching me the true lessons of life! Your humility, gratitude and optimism has blessed and enriched my life immensely, and I will be forever grateful to you for that.
ReplyDeleteHow happy I was for you when I heard the news about your new heart; though your old one was broken your spirit soared...
I'm a 27-year old new father to a beautiful little girl. Through your struggle and faith you have taught me how to more completely love her and cherish the precious moment we call life.
Best wishes (and continued prayers),
Zac Layton
Great to see another update, I have tears of great joy evertime I read your post :) My continued thoughts and prayers for you and for the donor family.
ReplyDeleteHoping for a speedy recovery with a great future ahead for you and your family!!!
I know god gives us miracles in our lives my husband is alive today from those very type of miralces, hold strong and keep up your incrediable strenght.
The Max Family
Clovis 7th ward fresno ca
My prayers are with you, Paul.
ReplyDeletethank you Lynette for keeping us all posted, I think about you two all the time. Im so happy things are going so well. Im so excited to hear all of the progress
ReplyDeletethanks for the updates Lynette!
ReplyDeleteI'll keep keepin Paul , You and Eden in my prayers. Remember to take care of yourself. love you all
Glad to hear things are going well. I have been "lurking" on your blog and have followed your struggles. What an amazing miracle!! You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI just want you to know that I have been following your blog for a while, and I am so happy for you and your sweet family. I told my 13 year old son about you the other day, and he keeps asking about you, and you are a great inspiration to our family with your deep faith. I will continue to pray for your quick recovery!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I love your music, it's all on my ipod and we walk together daily, you and I!
My own heart skipped a beat while reading this post...it's so great to hear that he has a smile on his face and is doing so well. Way to go Paul! Keep up the great work so you can continue to amaze and inspire many of us!
ReplyDeleteIt is so good to hear such great news! You will continue to be in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteDear Paul and Lynnette,
ReplyDeleteI am beyond thrilled for you and your sweet family. What an amazing miracle. This whole week I had been thinking about you so much and feeling the need to pray for you and your new heart. I just heard the news and am so very excited. After Daxtons transplant it amazed me how fast everything went. I continue to pray for your progress and for a LONG wonderful life for you all. Yesterday was Daxtons one year transplant anniversary we celebrated big and had buttons made that said "Believe in Miracles" I am so grateful for your miracle. We will most definitely pray for you and for your sweet donor family.
Much love, Hilary Cook
Two thumbs up! Max is now home continuing his recovery, resting to your soothing music :)
ReplyDeletePraying for the donor's family as well. Thank you for your continued inspiration to us all.
Paul and Lynnette, you are in our prayers and we love you. We pray that you will be enfolded in the arms of Gods love during the coming weeks and that you will feel the love of so many people who care about you both.
ReplyDeleteIndeed Miracles Happen and it is a blessing to witness this one. Thank you for sharing the updates in how Paul is doing. We are humbled by the amount of time he had to dig to the depth of his soul to hang on and the faith he showed at the unknown. You are a great family and it has been an honor for our family to follow the blog for life updates.
ReplyDeleteYou are continually in our prayers and we express gratitude for a Father who allowed him to stay here, be with his family and touch many more lives through his talents.
Sam, Liz & boys
We will continue to pray but are so overwhelmed with joy that he is doing so well just 2 days later. That is just amazing. Your family deserves this good news!!
ReplyDeleteLibbi's mom
So happy for all of you!
ReplyDeleteHi Lynnette, I was in Xi with you back in college. I just heard about your amazing story and I had to let you know that I am so moved by Paul's and your courage and faith through this extremely hard time. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
ReplyDeleteWishing a speedy recovery,
Abby Carlston Stubbs
What a blessing that the miracle of modern medicine has allowed a heart donated from another to prolong Paul's life. Paul has done so much to influence others while he's been ill--it will be amazing to see what he's able to do when his body has fully recovered! We will continue to pray for his recovery. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so very, very happy! I've been praying for this day, and I'll keep praying for his complete recovery.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the update Lynette!! My heart has been so full of joy the last few days. It is wonderful to hear that he is off the respirator!!
ReplyDeletePaul, you have no idea how much HOPE your story has brought to our little family. We are beyond grateful to our Heavenly Father for giving us so much time with Owen before he needs listed. A year ago in October, we were told he needed a transplant... he still has not needed to be listed! We continue to pray for your quick recovery. I can't wait to see a post of you running around the yard, playing with Eden, how great will that be?
You deserve the blessing coming your way. Your family has blessed so many! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe are so happy for you all! thanks for keeping us in the loop Lynette, it's so good to hear the good news!
ReplyDeleteDear Paul and Lynnette,
ReplyDeleteRob, Sophia and I are all praying for you. I am so grateful to hear how strong a recovery Paul is making! Go Paul Go!!
Make that push and fight that last hill, the light is already shining on your face of a new day!
I see you all, years down the road, still amazed and astounded by God's Love and the generosity of your Donor family. Special Hugs to their gift of Life! ((HUGS)) Jennifer, Rob and Sophia Sieber
Oh! Happy, Happy news!
ReplyDeletePaul & Lynnette,
ReplyDeleteWe are so glad to hear all is going well. You have been in our prayers for quite some time. We have also seen miracles in action in our family watching Chad get his transplant and now doing so well! My dad called the night before Paul's surgery and we were nervously excited for you. We pray for continued success in recovery!
Best wishes,
Cam & Natalie Jefferies
I've never met your beautiful family, but thank you for sharing your wonderful story and miraculous news. I believe in miracles, and especially in the miracle of organ donation as it as blessed the lives of family members and friends in my life. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteLynette, Paul and Eden,
ReplyDeleteSean and I have been praying and fasting for you. We are so happy to hear that you are doing well. When my Mom called to let me know that they had a heart for you and the surgery would be Wednesday morning, I cried. I hope you don't mind but I emailed Sean's family to send prayers your way. My inlaws and my sister-in-law all fasted for you on Wednesday morning. We are so glad that this miracle has happened and will continue to pray that you heal and grow in strength. Wishing we were closer...
Jenny, Sean and Anne Elyse (Layton) Taylor
So glad to hear that you are making such strides toward recovery. Good luck and keep that smile!
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice to hear such WONDERFUL news~ and for it to continue... These past few months for myself and my family have been difficult, as you understand with the loss of Brian.. I find strength in both of you Paul and Lynnette with the faith you have in such a difficult time.
ReplyDeleteI know I am struggling, I continue to find my place... Please know how much I am praying for your family and the tears that have been shed for you- the excitement that I get to read GOOD news... I love you guys, I know the obstacles you possibly still face, I will continue to pray and know that Danica and Bryhn are doing so as well.. They were beamed with such excitement that Eden's Dad.. Paul Cardall as Danica says got a heart, were all feeling the blessings.. Thank You for letting us be a part of your lives, in so many ways... Lynnette- get your rest. I know you and I know your pulling the wagon- even if there are no wheels. Love you, wish we could have gone to the healing field again with you and Eden, I am glad were now on the healing field with Paul. Wow!! I am just so happy for you guys.. Love you..
Paul, Lynette, and Eden,
ReplyDeleteWe have been corresponding with Michele and Tom who do not have the internet in California on their vacation. There has been a lot of celebrating, rejoicing and tears of joy for your successful transplate and we honor your donor family. We pray for your continual healthy recovery. We are so blessed to have gotten to know you through Gracie, Michele and Tom. And who knows, maybe our little angel and one of your geatest fans has been a gaudian over you. May God continually bless and protect you and your sweet family.
Connie and Gary Mayer
Gracie's Grandparents
Paul and Lynnette, We went to the benefit concert some months ago because our son Austin who is 5 decided he wanted to play the piano and has started to take lessons. He wants to play like you and Jon Schmidt. (who doesn't right?) :) Well he is so tender hearted to stories of struggle and hardship because he has an older brother who is 10 who has spina bifida and is in a wheelchair. He prays for his older brother every night that he will some day be healed by the Savior. Well I have to tell you ever since your concert,he has prayed for you and in our family prayers he doesn't let us forget to pray for you!! He will even whisper it in the prayer if he thinks you are forgetting. Today I told him that you recieved your new heart and his face lit up and he was so excited to know Heavenly Father had heard his prayer (along with a thousand others.)
ReplyDeleteWe just wanted you to know that we are grateful for your example! Your family is so inspiring and has been such a blessing of gratitude through hardship that we wanted to say thank you for your strength!!! We pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and strengthen you to a great new future!!!! We will continue to check on your progress!!
This is your second cousin (daughter of your dad's cousin Lynette Cardall Mitchell) Kerry Strom again. I am so happy, so grateful for you. What a blessing. What a miracle! We are headed to the DC Temple tonight and will put your name in the temple for a speedy and smooth recovery.
ReplyDeletePaul, congratulations on your new heart! I look forward to following your recovery online.
ReplyDeleteJim Wong
Adult Congenital Heart Association
I have been following your blog. God is amazing. Praise God that everything went well. Will keep the donor's family in prayers.A former Utahn
ReplyDeleteWe are thrilled to hear Paul is doing so well. Getting off that respirator is great news, Paul probably can't stop talking! I am so touched by Paul and Lynnettes faith. You will never know how many people you have influenced by your good works. I'm sure these comments are only a very small portion of the people who read about you and feel of your strength and your faith. I can't help but think about Pauls mother (and father). They have waited for many years for this time to come. I can't imagine how they must feel. I am hoping that all of you are still feeling the peace you felt as Paul was wheeled into surgery. We will all continue to pray for your whole family and the family of the donor. Yes, miracles do still happen in modern times! Thank you for sharing your story and your lives with so many.
ReplyDeleteThe Deweys
Oh what a miracle!! We knew that there was so many more lives you still needed to touch in this life including your precious daughter and wife. You are in our prayers everyday. What hope you bring to many of the little ones and us, their families, who will endure similar obstacles and a new heart. All our love and prayers!! Thank you for your example.
ReplyDeleteWe are overcome with emotion for you!! Like so many others this news brings us to tears of JOY! YEAH!! We have been praying so much for your family lately.. what a true miracle... SO wonderful! We are still praying for a steady and quick recovery.. You are an inspiration to so many!
ReplyDeleteWe were excited to hear the great news. We hope for a great recovery.
ReplyDeleteI do not know your family but I truly enjoy reading your blog. You are inspiring. Congratulations on your new heart. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Looking forward to reading about all of your new adventures with your beautiful family.
ReplyDeleteYour story brought back so many memories for me. I was also born with Tricuspid Atresia and at the age of 36 had my heart transplant. That was almost eight years ago and still going strong. You will experience so many emotions during this time, but gratitude the most. I went through such a physical, emotional and spritiual journey that I will never forget. I am so very happy for you. Your life will change. Because you had a sick heart from birth, this new gift not only will extend your life, but you will have a life like you never dreamed possible. If you feel overwhelmed at the beginning with meds, doc visits, tests, etc remember it gets easier. Best of luck to you and your darling family.
ReplyDeleteThanks you for taking time to update all that care and love you and Paul and Eden. I am overwhelmed with joy to know that Paul is responding so well. I will continue to pray for a smooth recovery and that you will all feel the arms of Heavenly Father around you. Miracles do happen! Love you all, Debbie Castleton
ReplyDeleteI've loved your music ever since I first heard your Miracles cd, several years ago. Your music moves me. But even more, your faith moves me. I am praying for you! For selfish reasons, I want to hear the songs you have not written yet. But then, seeing pictures and video of you with your daughter, I want you to live for Eden. That little girl adores her daddy so much! God bless you, your family, the donor's family, and your doctors! You are all in our prayers!
ReplyDeleteWe are thrilled for you and your family! Thank you for making your life's journey a source of strength for us all. We love the updates, and continue to pray for you.
ReplyDeleteWonderful news, we heart surviors are pulling for you and your family!
Amazed, Inspired and Grateful I am. God is SO GOOD. He is in control.
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Gina and my mom is Barbara Madsen. We are so happy for you and your family! You are such an amazing person and we wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery!
ReplyDeleteJulie, Eli, Lucy, and I have been praying so hard for this blessing--we couldn't be happier at the sound of this news! Paul--you have have touched so many hearts, it is only fitting that you be given a strong, hearlthy heart! We love you!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update! That is awesome Paul is already off his respirator and joking around. We are absolutely thrilled for your family! You continue to be in our prayers and thousands around the world. Thanks for sharing your beautiful music with our family!
ReplyDeleteYahooooooo, such happy news! We can't believe how well Paul is already doing-that is so amazing and awesome! Thank you for sharing w/ us. We talked a lot about you guys & everything & just how does a heart transplant go down last night-such a miracle!!! I think all of his intense waiting this last year and then especially from this past month of being in the hospital is just bursting to get out of him! :] The body is fascinating! Best of luck w/ all of the recovery and therapy!
ReplyDeleteLots of love and prayers,
Chelsea & John Phillips
p.s. its brings tears to my eyes everytime i read these updates too :] and yes! now he can climb his mountain next summer! sweet!!!
ReplyDeleteMy family has been praying for you since we became aware that you were waiting for a heart. (Some Oly Titan friends spread the word.) We are thrilled with your news, and pray for a quick and complete recovery.
Lots of love to you & your family,
Beth Mason Child
Way to go, Paul! I happened to be in the local music store here in St. George yesterday (picking up some piano sheet music) and noticed some of your sheet music... so I mentioned to the store owner, "Did you hear Paul Cardall got his new heart?" and she said, "No! I didn't! That's great!! ect." So, well wishes from the good people at Music Works in St. George! I'm so excited for you as well. Get well soon.
ReplyDeleteSo so SO happy for you guys! You deserve it Paul! You and your family are awesome!
ReplyDeleteBrian and Mallory Andreasen
(Norm and Sandy Weiss' daughter)
Congratulations on your new heart...in learning to know you through your blog....we always knew you had great heart!!! Praying for a quick recovery!!!
ReplyDeleteWe are so happy to hear you got a heart. We have shed tears of joy for you and are praying for a great recovery and a long life for you.
ReplyDeletePhil and Katie Evans
Tom Gledhill's sister
Lynnette, Please give Paul a kiss from me when he wakes for a minute and tell him I love him!
ReplyDeleteI have again, like others, put his name and yours on the temple prayer roll and have you both in our prayers.
If he needs anything, or if you need anything let me know. I am a great babysitter and I do well with sitting at hospitals~!
We are so excited and are expressing gratitude through prayer even more. Love and Best.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletemy prayers continue to be with your family and for that matter the whole cardall family. thank you for the updates and your willingness to share of this great news!!!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing. I did not visit until just recently and posted for the first time just before you received your miracle I think. I can understand all that you are saying. We are 3 months post transplant and I am in awe still. Tommy returned to school for the first time in over a year and it's shocking. Each day we still recall the things he CAN do now that he could NOT do for so long. What a journey. What miracles. What mixed emotions...answered prayers,..and the list goes on. Please know that you have thoughts and prayer from Michigan too. I told my Tommy about you and his eyes lit up...then I told him you got your heart and he screamed..'yay,..Mom,..when hope starts to fade, God comes through!' Seems strange when you know a life has to be lost. Know that you have continued prayers for your recovery road ahead.
carepage: thomasearl
Thank you for letting us share with you in this time of miracles! We continue to fast and pray for your family and for Paul's great heart to heal, so that it can physically be strong enough to match his amazing spirit... much love and blessings to all of you at this time! I'm just a sister to a 'patient', and my little glimpse into the time of hospital rooms and beeping monitors was enough for me to know that you are all going through this with him... and he will soon be climbing those mountains! :)
ReplyDeleteI have followed your story in the papers for the past year. I am so thrilled to see you got your heart! You can continue to make beautiful music and be a great Dad and husband. Life is good! I wish you a speedy and quick recovery.
ReplyDeleteRuth Clark
Sandy, Utah
We will miss seeing your wife and daughter tomorrow, but know we all will be thinking of you as we celebrate in the CHD warriors. Keep fighting Paul, you are making amazing strides, and we will continue the prayers.
ReplyDeleteHeart hugs,
Emily and Mike and kids
P.S. If you are reading this Paul, I think that at the next Heart Walk in 2011, you should play the tribute for the heart angels. It would warm our hearts to see you doing so well, knowing how much you have overcome. Just a thought, something to look forward to in the future!!!
Paul and Family, I am so happy to hear that you have recieved the gift of life! I am a new to your blog and am truly inspored by your faith and strenght. I am the parent of a 15 year old son sufferng from Tricupid atresia and a possible failing Fontan. I stumbled upon your page searching the internet and feel that the lord lead me to you and your story. I want to thank you for the insoeration you have given me! May god continue to bless you and your family with many years of great health. Feel free to email me at anytime I would love to talk to you when you are feeling up to it....God Bless, Heather Mobley mom to Kendall 15 yrs old HRHS,TA,PA,ASD,VSD
ReplyDeleteDear Paul and Lynnette, I am Paul's second cousin. I believe you have both met my mom, Lynette, aunt JoEllen, and uncles Dick and John, who are Duane's cousins. Our grandfathers, Duane and John, are brothers. I stumbled across your music some time ago when I was looking for sheet music to play in church. I decided since we're both Cardalls, maybe I'd love playing your music:) Well, I do, and my husband and children love listening to everything you have written. (My kids, Parker and Reagan, want you to know that they especially love Prodigal and Deeper.) I think we have almost all of your cd's and sheet music--we listen to it often and have been blessed by you! Please know that you have been in our prayers constantly, especially through this difficult summer. Our entire extended family keeps up on your progress and prays daily. We continue to pray for you and your family. We're so thankful for this miracle! Much love, Lindsay and Kevin Ross
ReplyDeleteI have been so touched by your positive attitude and immense faith in these difficult times. You are an amazing example. Talk about putting things into perspective for me!! It has really made me stop and think about what is REALLY important. Thank you for sharing your journey. We have been praying for you and your family. We are so grateful for this awesome miracle and for all of the tender mercies bestowed upon you and your sweet family. God bless.
ReplyDeleteYou have touched so many people's lives. You are an inspiration to everyone. You are blessed for your faithfulness, may we all learn from your amazing example of faith, hope and enduring to the end. I am truly speechless. I don't know if you will even read this, but I was wondering who you surgeon is? We met you guys at Primary's where our little boy Burke was getting a heart cath done. He has had three open heart surgeries and Dr. Kouretas has been his primary doctor while Dr. Hawkins and Dr. Kaza have been assisting also. We have deep love and will be forever indebted to our surgeons for what they have done. Anyways, keep the faith and stay strong. I am grateful for your new heart. Truly!
ReplyDeleteThat's such good news! Our prayers are with you. You have touched our lives immensely. I'm looking forward to hearing some more of Paul's beautiful music.
ReplyDeleteHeather P.
We are so happy for you guys. We've been hoping for a long time this would happen.
ReplyDeleteMiracles have not ceased!!! Best Wishes in a speedy and healthy recovery!!!
ReplyDeleteI stopped by today to see if there was an update. I hope Paul is continuing his remarkable progress. Still praying for all of you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful miracle for you and your family. That is what is so special about miracles because they touch so many people with one act. Because I donated a kidney to my sister in March, I attended the Celebration of Life ceremony on 08/29/09 at the SLC library square where there is a wall to honor donors. A gentleman spoke who recently received a liver transplant that saved his life. He shared how it has changed not only his life but the lives of all who know and love him. He was able to attend a son's graduation, a daughters wedding and be here to have grandchildren born. A statement he made touched me. He said "In our family we don't just beleive in miracles, we rely on them." He is a friend of Paul Cardall and mentioned his hopes and prayers for a heart to become available. I know that our Heavenly Father has a hand in all things but ofte needs the hands of others to make the miracles happen. More people need to help make miracles happen. Be that live donor if possible, have the talk with your loved ones about being a donor if something happens unexpectedly. My prayers and love are with the Cardall family for a speedy recovery and full and happy life. My prayers and love are with the family who provided the miracle. May you be blessed with comfort. BE A DONOR--BE A MIRACLE!
ReplyDeleteI KNEW this day would come!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust so happy that all is going well with you. I copied the painting of Jesus in the operating room and placed it on a piece of medical equipment in our O.R. Many nurses have commented on it and love it as I do...thankyou for sharing and blessings on your recovery!
ReplyDeleteYou're such a blessing to our lives I've shared your story with so many and they send their love also!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your example of Courage, Hope and Faith! We love your music! It brings so much peace into our home. I am so grateful that you share your life journey with us! Like everyone I have faced much adversity. Your little family gives me the courage to face my own life battles. We must find Joy in this life through all we experience. I look at the picture of you making funny faces and I feel the Joy you radiate! You will never know the amount of lives you have touched. Thanks for your example of pure Faith!
ReplyDeleteWhat a strong woman you are. As I read each post from Paul, I think of the quite strength behind him that keeps him going. And I know you are that quite strength. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us. And I know that you are in Paul's life for a reason. As I know my husband is with me for a reason. I hope that each day you see a new miracle.
Take care of yourself and your sweet family. You deserve a spa day! ;)
Love, The Gardner Family
I meant "quiet" strength. :)
ReplyDeleteI, of course, a newcomer to this blog, but the author does not agree