Pictures from one of the audience members Regina Fee see more of her photos from the show
Words cannot adequately express our sincere appreciation to all of you for joining with us to celebrate life and living for Eden. Our family experienced a feeling of love that we will cherish for a very long time. You are wonderful and we will never forget your kindness, love, and support.
We are optimistic about my future! My doctors at Primary Children’s Medical Center Angela Yetman, Melanie Everitt, their staff and surgeons are gifted and skilled professionals whose wisdom is blessing our community, particularly those who are born with congenital heart disease. And whether things go as we hope or not – one thing I do know is that every day we have to enjoy this life should be celebrated. It is a gift from our Heavenly Father. And as the Louie Armstrong song goes, "It’s a beautiful world" and I look forward to each new day.
Finally, a special thank you to all of the musicians, production, ushers, volunteers, family, friends, and the two people who pulled their resources together to do this event. My good friend and former business partner Jeremy Baron of the Baron Music Group and my dear sister Carol Burgoyne who is not only one of my best friends but one of the most talented organizers I know.

Paul (Lynnette & Eden)
P.S. Please say a prayer for Jack Thomas Trent whose going in tomorrow morning for his Fontan procedure at Primary Children's Medical Center. And pray for Dr. Peter Kouretas who will perform the delicate procedure.
The Fontan which I received was the old verson which has sustained my life for 22 years. The new Fontan will go much further and longer for kids like Jack.
P.S.S. Also baby boy Grant (HLHS) is going to have some surgery. Say a prayer for him.
We had such a great time, and Thank you Thank you for playing for us. We will always remeber how special an evening it truley was. I am a better person for having been there and learned from your stength. I'm glad you are enjoying your family as much as possible. Yes, families are forever..but it is still important to enjoy each moment we can, I'm glad you do! You have such a beautiful famly. Our prayers are with you as you wait for your heart. It is a trying time to wait, but humbling as well. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteyour friends,
Melissa & Darin Andrew
IHH Angel Chair
It was even better than we knew it would be, Paul! What a fantastic night of music and fun! I hope through your humility that you can truly soak in what an amazing person you are and how many people love and appreciate you and everything you bring to this world! We're optimistic right along with you, friend! :)
ReplyDeleteWe too had a wonderful evening. We were able to attend with our three children. When I asked out 8 year old what her favorite part was (I thought she would say Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband because she had been rocking out to them) she replied the last song on the piano. That was my favorite part too!
ReplyDeletePaul you are so talented and your family is amazing. We loved when Eden was making silly faces when the camera was on her. Thank you and your friends for letting us celebrate with you.
We have been praying for you and your family and will continue to do so.
Again THANK YOU for a wonderful evening!
Hugs & Prayers,
Heart Momma to Jacob
So glad it was a success!! So many are and continue to be inspired by your story. I need to get our surgeon a baby gift and know he would be inspired and uplifted through your music and story. Any suggestions for a baby gift for him? How about CD's to play in the hospital? Thanks for your example!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great night out! We felt comfortable enough to leave Grant in the hospital and took our first outing out in over 3 weeks to come. It was a touching and entertaining evening! I loved Eden's blissful youth as she made faces and danced around. Such a great family! We were touched by your friend's love for you and we continue to pray for you and your family! Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteAlli and Kyle Hicken (IHH)
Parent's to Grant (HLHS, asplenia, heterotaxy)
LOVED the concert!! I made a Smilebox of my video clips and pictures and sent them to your sister-in-law, Cheryl. My husband and I were up in the nosebleed section with the crying children--but it was still great. However, I don't know if you're interested in photos from that far away. I told her to forward them if she thought they were good enough. :)
ReplyDeletePaul- I feel like I must take a minute of my busy day to thank you. Last night was incredible. My friend and I decided last minute to get sitters and attend your concert. My friend even went at 4:15 to ensure that we got tickets. We were so happy we did. I knew it would be an emotional touching night however it was far better than I could have ever imagined. I spent the time reflecting on my life. I thought of my husband and son. I thought of what I should be doing to leave this world better than what it was when I arrived. It was truly a time of reflection and an amazing concert of the best music around. Goosebumps covered my body as I watched you enter. I could feel your spirit, your strengh so strong. I ended up sitting only a few rows back from you and watched your family throughout the concert. Tears flowed from my eyes as I watched your sweet Eden playing, pulling faces and hugging you. She really loves her Daddy. I also wanted to thank you for playing the piano. I am sure it was tough to muster up the strength but it was so incredibly beautiful I will never forget it. In fact as a one handed pianoist ( born without my left hand) who hasn't owned a piano in a few years I am more determined than ever to get back to playing. I know my music touched others and perhaps it's a small thing I can do to leave this world a better place. Thank you again. I will continue to follow your story and pray for your quick recovery. Much Love, Sharie
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that I was able to make it after all to your concert. I am however sad that Mike could not come. I took Kaidence and both my parents, two cousins and two aunts joined us (3 are from New Mexico). We had a great time and I have never seen Kaidence dance so much, she was a crazy little dancing machine through the concert, it was great. Like my Aunt said, where else can you go and enjoy such great, clean and uplifting entertainment? I was glad that I was able to speak with your cute wife before the concert. She is amazing! What a wonderful night we had. I am so glad that you were able to make it. Thank You for playing for us all, I know that things aren't quit as simple anymore for your body and I recognized what it took for you to give back to all those that came to give to you. Thank You Paul, we are praying for you and your family.....I can't wait for you to get your new heart so that you can do ALL those things that you dream about.
ReplyDeleteThank You as well to all your amazing friends that also happen to be amazingly talented. They put so much into last night, it was simply AMAZING!
Thank you Paul...
We really wanted to come to the concert, but the tickets were sold out! We think about you and Gracie all of the time! Good Luck with Everything!
ReplyDeleteThe concert was so much fun and we loved seeing you and your family. We look forward to the next album and are curious how to get a bootleg of Gracie's Theme. Thank you for the prayers on behalf of Jack Trent. We have a great love for him and his family. God's blessings to them and you.
ReplyDeleteDear Paul and Family, I attended your special evening last night. I was with my family and our little Kaidence. She was rocking with the music. I was so touched by the whole evening. What a beautiful sight is was to see so many of your close friends, and people in the community come together in your families behalf. It was a night of tears and a lot of fun. All of the beautiful tributes to Gracie were so fitting. I was most touched by your sweet wife and darling daughter, and your humbleness. And then the best gift of all, was that you could share your feelings and amazing talent.
ReplyDeleteI feel a gratefulness each day that I can have another day to serve my Savior. This poem came to me on a drive to see our family. I hope that you enjoy it. We will pray for your miracle as we did for Kaidence. May God give you the strength to stay strong for that special day, and we pray that it is soon.
Thank you for your amazing example to all of us. And keep those songs burning within your soul. Soon you will be able to share them. Debbie Mitchell
Thank You God
I thanked God today when I awoke,
With the blessings of a new day
With health to rise and face my life,
I was blessed today.
I saw God in the morning sun
Lighting each new day
With a brightness of hope
The world shines in Gods light.
I have been given another day.
The beauty of God’s
Masterpiece in nature from the sleeping of winter to
Spring and it’s flowering blooms
The perfect petals of a flower reminds me
That in God’s eyes I am as perfect as a rose.
The creation of God’s children
Rang in my heart and ears
As I listened to them playing with each other
A joyous chorus, with their laughter and some tears.
Grandchildren, the best that life can give,
Their loving arms around you, kisses, and I Love You,
Will warm a grandparent’s heart, even in the best of times
God’s gift from your children.
God blessed me with the ability
To love, to listen and give of myself.
Service the gift is a continuous circle.
It goes from one hand to another.
It makes another feel valued and loved.
The beauty of a sunset, ending another day
The beautiful colors of bright oranges and red
As it rest against the western sky
Slowly it sinks away ending the gift of another day
God gave me the night
So that I can rest from the cares and worries of life
The warmth of a home and the comforts of a bed
So that I can close my eyes and give thanks to
God, for he has blessed me with another day.
Debbie Mitchell
January16, 2009
ReplyDeleteYour concert was amazing! It made us laugh (and cry). Gracie's Theme is incredible. You have done so much to help children (and adults) with CHD and I tell everyone about the inspirational messages and music that you have on your blog.
It's interesting to see your pictures. We have almost identical ones with Holly through the years (and surgeries).You mentioned that Dr. Hawkins was ill, we hadn't heard...what is happening with him? He has performed more than one surgery on Holly. We also wish him the best.
Our family loves you.
Bobbi Saunders
Paul and Lynnette- Clint and I were in the audience. What an amazing time it was. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us very publicly. You are very inspring to all of us. We were in the Meadowlark ward with you for a couple of years, and when our son Hunter had his heart surgery, Lynnette gave us very reassuring words that have stuck with me through the years. Thank you very much!! As a side note, Kyle and Alli Hicken are my cousins, and it's been wonderful to feel your support for them through their journey with Grant. You are wonderful people! Clint and Laura Thacker
ReplyDeleteI heard the concert was amazing! I was sad not to be able to attend, It was a tough night to leave Mason and my other kiddos. Thank you for all your inspirational words of hope and faith. We continue to pray for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteWith love, Summer "Mason's Mom"
The concert was wonderful!! It was a privilage to support your cause.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me but you have given me much comfort reading your blog. My niece was born four months ago with the exact same condition that you have. She has had her first surgery and will be recieving the second any day now. She will also be getting it done at Primary Childrens Hospital. Her name is Noelle. And we love her so much and wish she will have a happy and complete life as you have lived! Thank you for your example of faith and love.
ReplyDeletei grew up in the same ward as your family, valley view 10th ward, your grandpa layton married my husband and I, and your sister Rebecca was my young women leader back in the day!!!! Also your little bro Craig is pretty awesome!!!!... anyhow i stumbled upon your journey through a friend of a friend. i have read your whole journey and have trials of my own right now... but you have helped me to know that I have the Saviour by my side through whatever life may throw at us. I was able to contribute to this wonderful cause, although my family was not able to attend. we sure hope for a great outcome of this all. Your strength amazes me, and i know that your family is watched over at this time. god bless... and thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
ReplyDeletekim pack cracroft
The concert was GREAT! What a wonderful evening for a wonderful guy surrounded by such wonderful people! It was an honor to be there and be a part of it! You're in our prayers!
ReplyDeleteWe Had a blast at the concert. I have been listening to most of these guys forever so having them together in one spot was amazing. It was certainly a hit with Gator man.... He danced up a storm and clapped sooooooo much. If you go to the heart heroes list you can see all the great "reviews"..
ReplyDeleteP.S. I also added you. I hope that is okay.
momma to Alex(HLHS)
Amazing concert!!!! There wasn't a dry eye in my house when you said your speech and played, "Gracie's Theme".....
ReplyDeleteYour love and support for one another is strong enough to move mountains......Just like your powerful music!
You are such an amazing person and your family is always in my thoughts and prayers!!!
God bless!!
ReplyDeleteWe enjoyed the concert so much, it was well worth the drive from Wyoming 100 times over. As parents of a cardiac kid (Bryson), it has been a rollercoaster the last 2.5 years. Thank you for your inspiration and faith, it gives us so much hope.
Eric and Jennylin Quinney
Parents to Bryson (Hypoplastic Right Heart - Left Sided, L-TGA, CoA, ASD, Ebstiens Anomoly)
Lyman, Wyoming
We had an amazing time at the concert and feel very blessed to have been in attendance! The feelings of love and hope throughout the night were so uplifting. What amazing friends you have. Your life is such an inspiration to so many! When I asked my daughter which group or musician she liked best she said, "the last song". Thank you so much for playing for us, it truly was the highlight of the night! Dedicating that song to Dr Hawkins was the perfect tribute as his life's work has had a huge impact on so many of us who were there.
ReplyDeleteWe continue to keep you and your family in our prayers!
(mom to Taryn)
What an amazing concert that was! Thank you for your strength and the light of goodness that radiates from you. You and your family are an inspiration to everyone!
ReplyDeleteI have read of you via Miss Gracie's blog. What an inspiration you and your family are! How generous of you to include Miss Gracie and all heart babies in your journey! Your parents are amazing as well as your darling wife and Eden! Bless you all!
ReplyDeletePaul, Lynette, and Eden:
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful evening we all enjoyed. The music was just wonderful and your tribute to Gracie will never be forgotten. Our family has come to love yours so very much and we keep you in our prayers every day.
Gary and Connie Mayer
Gracie's Grandparents