Oh how we wish everyone could have felt what we felt that night. It was an outpouring of love that was so incredibly overwhelming and it lifted us beyond our imaginations. The concert was amazing and so much fun.
We truly respect all of the artists who participated. They live up to the utmost definition of goodness. I wish we could thank each and every person individually who helped make this event a success last April 6.
We know so many of you made a lot of effort in advertising, getting donations, etc. The funds raised will ease the financial burden we are facing with Paul unable to work and the medical expenses that will continue to come, but truthfully, I feel like the most amazing gift from this experience is the love we felt from all of you. And that is worth more than anything money could buy! We are so humbled.
The true highlight of the evening was seeing the faces of so many beloved friends who were in attendance. We felt of your spirits and we will draw from this experience for many months to come, especially in those challenging times. Since the concert there has been many tears of gratitude in the quiet moments of our home as donations continue to silently come and as we replay this event in our minds. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

All of Paul's siblings are wonderful and I admire them all. They were so great as they rallied around to pull this event off. His sister Carol Burgoyne was responsible for the silent auction and her organization skills are amazing. Several of my siblings and other family members helped out too.
Everyone that participated made this event an overwhelming success. Family is life's greatest blessing!"
- Lynnette Cardall
Third in an occasional series
When earnestness trumps envy and competition gives way to cooperation, great things can happen among friends, though adults — especially those in the public eye — seem often to act otherwise.
So when Russ Dixon, leader of a local band called "Colors," called a fellow musician last month to perform free of charge at a benefit concert for pianist Paul Cardall — whom some fellow LDS musicians may consider to be "the competition" — the answer "left me with goose bumps," Dixon said.
"I'd pay money myself to come and do that show," came the reply.
When at least two dozen local musicians, producers, sound and lighting technicians and cameramen came together this week at Cottonwood High School, they added their silent "amens" to the reply Dixon heard. Each left without a dime in their pockets, though the concert was a sellout.
"Living for Eden," as the show was dubbed, was a full-blown community effort to raise money for their friend and fellow musician, whose damaged heart won't beat much longer. Cardall and his family — including his 3-year-old daughter, Eden — are waiting for a phone call that says a donor heart is waiting to be transplanted into his chest. It's his last shot at being able to see his daughter grow up. After living for more than three decades with congenital heart disease, he's undergone 28 operations and seven open-heart surgeries.
While Cardall's spirit is strong, his heart grows weaker by the day.
(2 Right Photos: Courtesy of Jeffery Allred / Deseret News ©2009)
Just as there is a beginning, there is an end:
ReplyDeleteAnd he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. ~Rev 21:6
He is the beginning. He is the end.
There is one who tried to deceive our Mother Eve. Our Father Adam. One who cannot tell the truth. Who lies. Tried to convince them there was "no other way". But that *he* was the way. The plan *he* was offering was *the* plan. How deceptive.
He is The Way. The Truth. The Life. (see John 14:6)
Your wife's post reminds me of a combination of Pres. Hinckley's Christmas message in 2007 and Elder Wirthlin's Oct 2007 conference address on love. If all of us could be loved the way that Pres. Hinckley is loved... the way you are loved. The Way. Pure love.
Keep holding on...
Lynette & Paul -
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to tell you that my family prays for you daily. I am so touched by your amazing strength and beautiful spirit.
I went to Jr. High with Lynette and wanted to wish your family the best.
Thank you for sharing Lynettes words with us. It is amazing to hear her words and thoughts and see what a wonderful wife and family you have. All our love and prayers. The Lord is truly using everyone in your life as tools to bring others closer to Him. We are praying for you and your new heart.
ReplyDeleteI just got finnished listening to one of my favorite talks by Elder Holland on speeches.byu.edu , "Lessons from Liberty Jail" I've been thinking alot about trials and how God is with us every step of the way, even in our darkest abiss. It's amazing! It's inspiring to watch your family focus on the blessings and see all the good coming out of this. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteLynnette, what a gift you are to our family!! Love you :)
ReplyDeleteHi Cardall Family!
ReplyDeleteI/we've been following your blog since Sept. but have never commented. I guess I've just been too shy or made the excuse I was too busy, but I just can't let another day pass without commenting! I love your blog-everything on it!
Thank you sooo much for not being shy and for sharing your story w/ so many people! It has been amazing to read and watch and we really appreciate it! You are giving so much hope to so many families out there struggling with health problems and even to others that aren't. It helps me remember my blessings even more, to keep enjoying the simple things in life, and to be even more thankful and trusting in Heavenly Father's Plan. We have learned so much from your blog and think its tremendous. I love all the little kids and families you post about and they all bring tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing sooo much!
We absolutley LOVE your music and have been huge fans for years! It is by far our most favorite piano and instruemental music!!! It is so perfect in so many ways. We were able to come to your last few concerts over the last 2 years or so, the last being The Christmas Box. I don't know if you by chance remember us (& if you don't its way okay! :] ) but we were the blonde couple that joked that we "blast your music on Sundays" hee hee, but we really blast it all the time and anytime and anywhere! :] We take a lot of roadtrips and sometimes that's all we'll listen to for hours. I love to listen to it always, no matter what I'm doing (seriously), it brings me such peace and happiness and gives me encourament to practice the piano more and dream of playing someday like you. :]
This past Dec. right before Christmas, my grandpa, who I was extremely close to, died suddenly and tragically. It was a huge shock and blow to our entire family and still is hard some days. But I've been wanting to tell you also, that during that extremely difficult time your music and the music of your friends (especially Steven Sharp Nelson) helped our family in more ways than you will know. It still does and you've got some new fans. Reading your blog too has helped in many ways also, thank you!
We are so sad we weren't able to be at the benefit concert last week. We had really hoped to come but we were both out of town and actually in the process of moving back to UT from MT. We were so happy to hear the great news and to see that it was such a hit. That is fabulous! You have awesome friends that share their talents so beautifully also and to see the community rally behind you is inspiring in itself!
So I just really wanted to thank you for sharing your amazing and beautiful talents and story. You are extremely talented and blessed with such a beautiful and precious family! I can tell how much you love them and how wonderful they are and I am so happy you have them all. Your wife is a tremendous example to the rest of us in so many ways! Thank you for helping us understand better and for gaining a better perspective on life. We don't know how you do it somedays...but then again I guess we do :] The Gospel is a mighty tough tool! We wish you and your sweet family the very best and hope a heart comes soon. You are in our prayers and thoughts daily. Keep being strong and we'll for sure be there at your next concert-can't wait!
Love, Chelsea & John Phillips
p.s. sorry, i get carried away and write a book! i'll be sure to make more and 'shorter' comments in the future! :]
Lynnette who would have known 12 years ago that I would have found a true sister in you. You are AMAZING and I love you so much. Thank you for being one of my greatest friends, I miss you and wish we lived right next door (or at Kenwood together again...those were such great and simple times). Thanks Paul for marrying Lynnette who is the definition of grace under pressure and hope.
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful words by both your wife and The Deseret News. I was deeply touched to tears...maybe it is because this is so close to my heart with me being a mom of a transplant baby, maybe it is because I have seen how many people come to your aid when your life is coming apart, or maybe it is because I know what it is like to put a life completely in our Heavenly Fathers hands.
ReplyDeleteTruthfully, it is probably all three. Either way, all I can say is that it sure lifted my spirit. And my spirit was feeling a little low today! Thank you.
Much prayers for you and your family.
-Kim (Beckham Scadlock's mom)
Paul, what's funny is that your wife was surprised that the event sold out. Everyone I talked to said, "Why are they doing it somewhere as small as Cottonwood High? They could have filled a much bigger venue." That is true. There were many many that wanted to and would have come if there had been room! Lots of people pulling for you and wanting to help when they can. I just wanted you both to know that.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing intimidate details of your struggles in life with CHD. Your testimony is so inspriing to all your friends...family...and the world.
I am grateful to have followed your story for quite some time.
Your music is my childrens absolute fav! Thank you for your love...courage...and desire to endure to the end. We appreciate your strength. We pray for you...love you and care for your family dearly.
Take care & know that you are loved here in Mesa, Arizona
The benefit concert was beautiful. Gracies song is so beautiful, you can't help but cry. I heard that you mentioned Dr. Hawkins. I'm going crazy because they are being so secretive about it and I need to know, he saved my son's life, and we are forever in his debt.
ReplyDeleteI just got my laptop back last night after taking 9 days off to try to spend more time with my family. I posted the link to this one and the two below it on my blog. Still praying for you and your family. And I've now purchased 9 of your CD's. Thanks for the inspiration! :)