Incidentally, I went in weighing 155 lbs (8 above my normal weight) and left home today at 132 lbs.
Here is a youtube video that reminds me of my experience.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support!
To the right is a a picture of a normal heart and an imperfect version of my own. (You can make it bigger by clicking on it).You'll notice I have no right ventricle. Oh well. So to my understanding, the non-oxygenated blood comes from the body into the homemade right atrium. The non-oxygenated blood swirls around like a round about and goes and flows, hopefully, into the left ventricle. (There are usually two valves or doors for the blood to flow in but my "tricuspid valve" is not there.) Thus, my congenital heart defect properly titled, "Tricuspid Atresia." Oh yea, my main arteries were reversed at birth giving me the other titled, "Transposition of the greater arteries or TGA."
Since I was listed I had been feeling ok, laying around, most of the time. Last week doctors turned up my pacemaker, upped my dose of synthroid, and gave me a large dose of Steroids. It was like night and day. I felt great for a few days and had a lot of strength. Plus, I watch more baseball. But, the side effect now is more swelling in my legs and stomach.
I want to thank everyone for all their prayers and fasting on my behalf. I can literally feel the arms of God around me through your prayers, service, and love. There is great power in prayer and they are answered. I'm overwhelmed by the support we have received. We love you all!