My wife and I, along with my parents, met with Latoya, a coordinator with the heart and lung transplant team. We, went over all of the aspects of being listed and receiving a heart. There is a lot of work put into the process. One is required to be in somewhat good condition so the heart will not be rejected. There are about 30 on the list in Utah. And they have over 90% success rate for the first year.
Later, we had a memorable meeting with John Doty, the son of Donald Doty who performed both of my previous operations. He studied at Georgetown and then John Hopkins. He was so positive and expressed his desire to be the one to do the surgery. He said his Dad wants to be there as well. He said, “We are not going to let anything happen to you.” I know they will do an extremely professional job. He is a great man just like his Dad. (Donald Doty served as a general authority Seventy and was a surgical partner with Elder Russell M. Nelson, an apostle in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
On Tuesday they will present my case before the board and there will be a vote. I’ll know in a few days if we move forward. But, I'm confident it will go through. Since my first meeting with Dr. Renlund (also a area seventy) I have had various tests and a lot of blood work. These things don’t bother me.
I have received nothing but support from family and friends. People are so good to us. And I thank everyone for their faith and prayers on my behalf. Also pray for the family whose tragedy and sacrifice will create new life and another chance for me and my family.
Hi, I found your blog and wanted to post a note about congenital heart defects.
ReplyDeleteMy son Jacob is 15 months old now and was born with a heart defect: Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA). We did not know before he was born and he had to be emergency transferred to Primary Children's Medical Center. He had open heart surgery at Primary's when he was 5 days old.
I am part of a local support group called Intermountain Healing Hearts. We have over 100 member families of children and adults who have various CHD's and even a few heart transplant recipients. If you are interested in joining, I know that us "heart moms" love interacting and getting advice from adult CHD survivors.
The group website is:
We also have a Yahoo group for email exchange.
Your music is lovely. Good luck as you are finding answers to your medical needs!
Please let me know if we can be of help to you and your family in anyway.
Christina Davis
PS I am following another Adult with Tritricuspid Atresia's blog that you might be interested in at:
Oh Paul...What news!!! How wonderful and nerve-wracking all at the same time! I can't even imagine! You will be in our every prayer! I will be eternally grateful for the fabulous support you were to me and my family at the time my son, Isaac was born. I was in a state of shock and disbelief when the doctors told us he had a congenital heart defect and would need multiple surgeries. Your visit to the hospital was incredibly reassuring and gave me hope and strength for the future! I'll spread the word to my family and we'll get a family Sunday fast in the works! You're awesome! Love thr informative blog!
ReplyDeleteLove you guys!