Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Special Announcement: The Blog Lives On!

Now that I am home and enjoying my beautiful family I'm amazed at the amount of energy I am feeling. Wow! This is too good to be true. I feel so alive. I walk in the morning as the sun rises, come home, and I'm ready to go out again.

Because of this new found energy and by your gentle persuasion, I've decided to continue with my blog livingforeden.com

I will be posting once a week. I'm not sure which day but when it happens you'll know that's the day during each week to come see what I have to say.

Thanks for all of your ongoing prayers and support. Life is beautifully ironic and full of joy and sorrow. I'm in a season of pure joy.

Yet, there are still so many who need our faith and prayers. May I suggest praying for the family of Mason Andrew Strickland. I ran into Mason and his mother after my biopsy this past Monday at Primary Children's Medical Center.

Mason and his family need our help. They have a trust fund set up in his name. He has pulmonary vein stenosis and they are struggling to find a happy ending. It breaks my new heart apart. Here I am fresh from a victory over my own congenital heart disease and yet Mason is fighting his own battle.

Never, should we live in our own little worlds because other folks need our love, service, and care.

Dear Strickland family and sweet little Mason, "Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine.  Now multiply that love by an infinite amount—that is the measure of God’s love—for you." -Deiter F. Uchtdorf (October 3, 2009)

If you can contribute to the fund here is a link to Mason's blog: http://miraclemason.blogspot.com/

Finally, as we think about the Stricklands and other families who are struggling to find solutions, healing from grief, and answers to the challenges that lie ahead may we each stop to reflect on the great love God has for each one of us. We are His children. He knows our name. He loves us as though we are His only child. Eventually, we all grow old and go home. 

Some of us, the pure, the lovely, the innocent, go home young because obviously these souls are too good for this world.


  1. Paul, I am crying to have found your post about our sweet Miracle Mason and our family. It is very humbling to have you post asking for prayers and support on our behalf when you are still in need of so many prayers and support as you recover and face your own new journey. I can not thank you enough. You are an inspiring example to all of us "heart families" out here!

    Love, Mason's Mommy (HLHS and PVS)

  2. This is fantastic news!! I love reading your blog and I hope that it will allow you to continue to document your healing and life progress for your own family, but for all of us that have come to love you guys too! Congrats on the new found energy!

    We too love the Stricklands... they are wonderful people and have been through so much with little Mason. Thank you for bringing awareness for the struggles that they are facing.

    Alli, Kyle, and Grant

  3. I will send my prayers to Paul, and to Mason, and to all those who are in need of extra blessings. And today I will live with my eyes wide open, and my heart searching for anyone who needs me. Thank you Paul for helping all of us see that there is more to life than our own little bubbles. I have never met you, but your music and your messages have changed me forever. Bless you.
    Lauri in Logan, Utah

  4. Praying for sweet little Mason, his story breaks my heart.
    I can't even imagine the energy you must have now that your diseased heart is gone. It makes my heart burst for you!

  5. Thankful for the chance to witness your season of joy! I pray that it is a long and fruitful season for your family.

    My heart breaks for little Mason and his family. It's tough riding out the valleys of CHD. Praying that they find the answers!

    God Bless~
    Lisa in TN
    Eli's Mom
    (L-TGA, HRHS)
    carepage: Elischaffer

  6. Paul I am so excited that you are continuing your blog. My heart sunk a little to think about not getting to read your beautiful testimony and share in your families joys. I was just thinking about how much we blog while we are going through our challenges but once they are resolved it seems we don't say as much. We all need to see the light after the tunnel that things are better and that God is great- and that "this too shall pass." We ran into Mason and mom on Monday also, what a sweet wonderful little man. We will most definiantly keep him and his family in our prayers, thanks as always for the reminder.

  7. I am so excited that you are feeling so great!!! I love it!! Thanks for continuing to blog, even if only once in a while. I love to hear how well you're doing and to see you use all that newfound energy.

    I adore Mister Mason! He and Owen are so much alike, in so many ways. Our prayers are always with the Strickland family as well as yours.

    Thanks for the post!

  8. When you went a few days without posting, before your transplant, I couldn't help but worry what was going on. I was elated with joy when you got your new heart. We are in a holding pattern with our little Ellie. If her heart does not start to recover, we could be in that same position. It gave us such hope to see your miricle. Thanks for continueing your blog. It is a source of inspiration to keep us going during these tough times. And remember the brighter side of this journey. Becca
    Mom to Ellie (severe cardiomyopathy)

  9. So glad you decided to continue!! Blessings on your good recovery and health and being the inspiration that you are!!

  10. So glad to know that you are doing so well!

  11. Paul, I'm glad to elected to continue this blog. As a heart transplant recipient, I believe the first year is for healing ..... physically, emotionally, spiritually ..... and your blog can be a place to record thoughts, to give extra thanks, and request those extra prayers for your friends, like Mason.


  12. I'm just thankful for the hope that you spread. Hope through your music, hope through your faith, hope through your testimony, hope through your example of charity to others. Keep up the great work. May the Lord bless your family.

  13. I am so glad you are going to continue your blog. You provide so many people with such hope and encouragement with your blog, music, and your faith.

    I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I am also praying for the Stricklands.

  14. Paul, Thank You for continuing to write your blog. I know we would all have missed hearing about you on a regular basis. Not only have you helped restore my faith in miracles, you have also taught me so much about heart disease. I am hoping that one day you could explain how the doctors could leave part of your old heart and mesh it with your new one. Thank you for your great example of Christ like compassion! I will keep you in my prayes and also pray that they find a way to help Mason.
    Thank you, Bonnie

  15. Ok, I have never commented on your blog before but today I couldn't resist. I am so glad you are continuing with this blog :) Yeah for us! I also wanted to say how I thought of you as Elder Renlund spoke during conference Sunday. It reminded me of what I have learned from you about "a mighty change of heart" as I have followed your journey. Thanks to you and your family Paul. You have so touched my family's life with hope and courage.

  16. Glad to hear you're still gonna be blogging! :) I love coming here to hear how you are doing, and to be uplifted and inpired. THANK YOU!

  17. Yippie-skippie!

    Thank you! It will be good no matter how often you post or not! Thank you for the continual reminders of others needs. It is very humbling.

    Love, Chelsea & John

  18. Paul, I am happy that you will be continuing with your blog. I look forward to reading your inspirational messages. You always help me to see a bigger perspective for life, and to see things through someone else eyes. We will continue to pray for your healing as well as for your family and the many other families that are facing sadness with their children. I am so happy for all of new found energy. What an incredible blessing for you and your family.

  19. Paul I am so thrilled to know that you are doing so well and have all this energy. I know you are enjoying every day of your new life. I am so happy that you are keeping this blog going also.

    Take care and continue your healing journey. My prayers remain with you and for Mason. May he be healed very soon.

  20. I have spent much of the morning feeling inspired and uplifted as I read your blog! Thank you so much for sharing. My friend sent the link to me upon reading about the passing of your grandfather. My husband has worked for Layton Construction for the past few years, and we feel honored to work with such an incredible team. Best of luck with everything!

