Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Life debuts #1 Billboard's top 25 New Age Albums

I began recording albums independently almost twenty years ago. I later signed a recording contract with Virgin Record’s Narada label, one of the most well respected new age record labels. Their team was able to get my Christmas Box album listed as the #23rd best-selling new age album of 1999. Since then, I’ve had several recordings debut in the top 10 including Primary Worship, The Hymns Collection, and Sacred Piano. I never dreamed of having a #1 album until joining the Shadow Mountain team this past year.

Today, the prestigious Billboard Magazine reported my new album, New Life, as the #1 new age album in the world. This really has nothing to do with me, but has everything to do with those of you who have supported me and purchased my music. It also has everything to do with Deseret Book and the amazing team of people associated with their company.

It’s become quite clear that if Shadow Mountain Records releases a classical or new age recording it will debut in the top 5 with names like Josh Groban, Yanni, Enya, John Williams, Yo-Yo Ma, and much more. Deseret Book is quickly becoming one of the most respected forces in media, which can no longer be ignored. I am humbled and honored to be associated with all of you.

I want to thank everyone for helping us achieve this monumental accomplishment. This would never have happened without your support and loyalty. To Bob Ahlander and the Shadow Mountain team, you believed this would happen and you made it happen. I am grateful for your faith in my music and in its message of peace, love, and hope.

Again, thank you everyone for your hard work and unified efforts. Together, we have a #1 album.


  1. WOW that is so awesome! Great job Paul! I have personally always liked your work every bit as much as Josh Groban's, Enya's, and John Williams... even more than theirs actually,because when I listen to your music I instantly feel the Spirit of Christ.

  2. Congrats Paul! This is a well deserved honor for a GREAT new album. Enjoy every minute of it. (because your listeners are!)

  3. Way to go! You have a great talent. I've loved your music far longer than I've known you in the heart transplant world. So glad to hear of your success!
    Say a prayer for Ben if ya get a chance :)
