Monday, November 15, 2010

Valve Replacements without Opening the Chest

New procedure at Primary Children's Medical Center implants pulmonary valve without surgery

by Lois M. Collins, Deseret News
Published: Monday, Nov. 15, 2010 10:24 p.m. MST

SALT LAKE CITY — If you've got the right technology, it's easier to bounce back from a broken heart. Just ask Charli Noyes, 20, who was anxious to hold her toddler son on Monday, just days after having her pulmonary valve replaced in a new, nonsurgical procedure at Primary Children's Medical Center. Because doctors didn't have to open her chest or her heart for traditional pulmonary valve replacement surgery, the young mother went home the next day.

"I'm learning to dance to a whole new heartbeat," quipped Noyes, of Sunset, a veteran of heart operations and medical devices. She was born with a group of congenital heart defects that together are called a Tetralogy of Fallot. She had her first of two open-heart surgeries at 14 months. She's had three pacemakers, at least six cardiac catheterizations and had a valve "ballooned" once to improve its function. That's why, as an adult, she is being treated at Primary Children's, where she's had all of her previous procedures done.

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