Thursday, November 4, 2010

High School Students Help CHD

(SLC, UT) Brighton High School has selected the Paul Cardall Family Foundation for Congenital Disorders as their charity for 2010-2011 school year. Students will raise money for the charity under the direction of their student government.

This morning student leaders talked about our organization and what their plans are to raise funds. During the 2 part assembly an auction was held and thousands of dollars were committed by students; i.e. purchase a full year of parking in the faculty parking lot, and many more great ideas.

On Valentines Day, Feb. 14, 2011 at the 2nd Annual Celebrate Life Concert and Silent Auction, Brighton student leaders will present the final check to the foundation. GO BRIGHTON!!!

For Concert Celebraton tickets visit:

Other school also involved in this program is Jordan High. We are grateful for these 2 schools and their devotion to making a difference!

Our foundation has no paid employees. Every penny goes to improve the lives of families affected by congenital heart disease. Last year we helped various families by providing financial support. This year funds will go toward research, education, and dispersed among other organizations who have a specific need or call to action that makes a major difference in the lives of these folks.

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