Thursday, September 23, 2010

Heartbeat brings joy to parents of Coppell donor

Heartbeat brings joy to parents of Coppell donor

Posted on September 20, 2010 at 11:31 PM
Updated Tuesday, Sep 21 at 6:56 PM

CHANDLER, Arizona — It's sunrise over the Phoenix suburbs. Todd and Tara Storch are here to continue the mission that began in March, the day their 13-year-old daughter Taylor died in a Colorado ski accident.

It was then that the Storches decided to donate Taylor's organs.

Their daughter may be deceased, but her heart beats on in the Valley of the Sun.

"Excited is not the correct or right word," said Todd Storch when asked to describe his feelings before getting a chance to hear Taylor's heartbeat again.

This day has been on Tara's mind since day one (CONTINUE READING)

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