1st Photo: Me, Rob Aronin, Dana Jewell, Averi Budde, Ryan and Stacee Budde.
Averi Budde, who was born a twin to Adison Budde May 25, 2007, was diagnosed with multiple heart defects.
Five days after her birth, she underwent her first open-heart surgery, which brought many ups and downs over the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, nurses of the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at St. Louis Children’s took full care of the newly born baby to make sure her condition was stable.
Relieved by the dedicated nursing care Averi received during her treatment in the CICU at Children’s, Averi’s mother, Staci Budde, and grandmother, Vicki Isom, decided to “give back to the hospital” to show their gratitude.

2nd Photo Includes; Tim Feltes, Paul Checchia, Dana Jewell, Laura Fowler Watson, Pamela Lovell Piel, Charlotte Smock, Leonard Bailey, Paul Cardall, and others
After talking with CICU manager Jeff Atwood, Isom and Budde decided to create an educational scholarship that would benefit staff professionally and ultimately benefit patients.
The intention materialized in the Averi Budde Foundation, a non-profit organization formed by Isom and Budde to raise money to fund continuing education opportunities for the cardiac nurses.” (West End Word, Beijing Zhu – September 1, 2010)
Photo: Meeting a Legend in Pediatric Heart Transplant Surgery, Dr. Leonard Bailey
What a blessing it was for me to be introduced to such historical figures in congenital cardiology, like the following;
One of the kindest men Leonard Bailey, M.D., a gifted surgeon from Loma Linda Hospital, known for the 1984 revolutionary surgery when a baboon heart was transplanted into infant “Baby Fae”. He was called a mad scientist and animal rights activists were not happy, but his efforts led the way for infants to receive heart transplants.
Many of Doctor Bailey patients are now in their twenties and enjoying life. This wonderful man, a father figure to many, had many wonderful things to say about Donald Doty, the cardiovascular thoracic surgeon who operated on me several times. He knew George Veasy and many others who I know from being a patient at Primary Children’s Medical Center.
Peter C. Laussen, Professor of Anaesthesia at the Harvard Medical School and Chief, Division of Cardiovascular Intensive Care. He discussed invasive monitoring in the cardiac intensive care unit. It was wonderful to hear his comments about my transplant surgeon at Primary Children’s Medical Center, A.K. Kaza who was chief resident of cardiovascular thoracic surgery at Boston Childrens.
There were many more wonderful speakers; Lee Feeter (President St. Louis Childrens), Paul Chechia, MD, Angela Sharkey, MD, Terry Foster, Rn, Joseph Billadello, MD, Timothy Feltes.
I was fortunate to share my story about growing up with CHD.

For me, meeting 2-year-old Averi Budde and her family was thrilling. Her father brought her to the event for a few minutes.
I was there when this adorable little girl walked into the Chase Plaza Hotel. I got on my knees to be down so we were eye level. Just above her little dress I pointed to the top edges of her scar, a result of heart surgery. I pointed to my own scar. She got closer and gave me a hug.
Photo: Playing the piano with Averi Budde, fellow cardiac kid
Averi Budde is the light that ignited the powerful event that brought together some of the finest people in the congenital heart world.
Medical personnel where inspired, enriched, educated, and motivated to make a difference in the lives of thousands of children who continue live with and adapt to congenital heart disease.
Learn more about The Averi Budde Foundation at St. Louis Children's Hospital
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