I have been richly blessed as I continue to wait for a heart. This journey has been nothing short of a miracle. Life is a great gift. And I look forward to each new day.
I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers on behalf of my little family.
My new blog friends are wonderful! Thank you for sharing your lives with me. All your comments have given me great strength. Please forgive me if I am not able to respond.
I want to thank my angel of a wife Lynnette for everything. She doesn't have much time to herself these days. When she's not working as an RN in the IMC Newborn Intensive Care she is caring for our daughter. Lynnette has been the great blessing of my life. In dealing day to day with my health issues and my unforeseen future she is a saint. I married my best friend and ache to spend every waking moment with her. I adore her love, patience, loyalty, spirituality, humor, wisdom, and beauty. Our sweet little girl Eden continues to laugh, dances, and learns how much love we have for each other through ups and downs.

I have a lot of siblings on both sides. There are so many it would be a whole page to mention each one. Each is amazing and great examples to me. My daughter adores her cousins. Everyone has thrown their arms around us in this time and has been available to help at a winks notice. I love you guys!
My friends and those who I attend church with have been a wonderful blessing and I look forward to seeing their faces each Sunday and throughout the week for various reasons. I love being involved and helping where I can. Now that I’m on the other end of the service I deeply appreciate what they do.
And I want to thank the wonderful medical team at Primary Children’s Medical Center. I have been blessed over the years with great cardiologists, nurses, radiologists, etc., the list is too long to mention. I’ve enjoyed care from experts at Intermountain Medical Center, The University of Utah Hospital, Jordan Valley, and Primary Children’s Medical Center. Of these great folks I want to especially recognize Doctors “Uncle” George Veasy, Conrad Jensen, Donald Doty, John Hawkins, Dale Renlund, Abdallah Kfoury, Patrick Fisher, Larry Green, Michael Adjei Poku, Ed Clark, Charles King, Peter Kouretas, Aditya Kaza, Ronald Day, Robert Gray, Elizabeth Saarel, Susan Etheridge, Roger Freedman, Brian Crandall, John Doty, and the many others who’ve worked on my case.

I am blessed at this time to consult with adult congenital heart doctor Angela Yetman. She is a fighter and extremely optimistic. She is extremely intelligent and my wife and I greatly admire her.
I have a wonderful transplant cardiologist Melanie Everitt and her team; Michelle, Emily, and others. They are always upbeat and I look forward to seeing them each visit. For those who’ve worked with Dr. Everitt I think they’ll agree with me that her sensitivity and caring nature is an absolute bonus to her wisdom.
Overall, thank you everyone! I love life. I am determined. You have all strengthened my conviction to carry on.
Paul your family pictures are beautiful. We are keeping you and all of your heart friends in our prayers. Thank you for sharing this beautiful journey with complete strangers. You are the one that is lifting us up. Thank you and God Bless!
ReplyDeleteThose are absolutely beautiful pictures.. and Eden is angelic!
ReplyDeleteWe love you!
ReplyDeleteThose pictures are priceless. Your daughter is absolutely darling and I love the red nails!!! You can see the love she has for you, it just radiates from her. First you share your musical talent and now you are sharing your sweet inspiring journey for the rest of us to see. Keep up the fight! We will continue to pray for that new heart!
ReplyDeleteYou are a lucky man...look at the beauty that surrounds you!
ReplyDeleteYour story is so amazing & has been so insirational to read, so again thank you for your willingness to share.
What GREAT pictures, Lynnette and Eden are beautiful. Your handsome I must say- what a great job this photographer has done. You and your family are such inspirations to many, I do understand that is not always a wanted case but sometimes we do not always get what we want. I want to thank you guys for being great examples to many. Our prayers will continue to go your way and my kids will continue to listen to "Eden's Dad's music", your oh so talented, out thought and prayers go your way and to the staff that is diligently helping guide you through PCMC is such a wonderful place and promotes miracles everday, hang in there.. were here for you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful family...thank you for sharing your journey with us and for your example of a GRATEFUL heart. Praying for you!!!
ReplyDeleteYour attitude and gratitude for life is both contagious and inspirational. No wonder you're able to write the wonderful music you do! We love you Paul and look forward an FHE in the near future!
ReplyDeleteWhat great pictures. Heavenly Father has blessed you with such a wonderful family and support system. I have a feeling that each person feels equally blessed to have you in their lives. Thanks for your eternal optimism and faith. It is a gift that you are sharing with all.
ReplyDeleteI love those pictures! They're beautiful. And look at sassy miss Eden, with her pretty red nails! She's adorable.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you realize what an inspiration you are to so many of us who are raising children with CHD's. You are a blessing and your words and music a gift! Thank you for sharing it with us. We will continue to pray for you!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures! I have put some of your music on my blog, and it brings such a spirit of peace here when I listen to it. Thank you for sharing your talent!
ReplyDeleteTHe pictures are beautiful! Your little girl is so sweet. We're praying that your new heart will come soon. The waiting is the hardest, but I've learned to enjoy every moment.
ReplyDeleteWhat a BEAUTIFUL family!! You are such an inspiration to many. Thank you for sharing your "heart" through your beautiful words and music. May the Lord bless you and Gracie!!!
ReplyDeleteI have fallen in love with your music - Michele has it on Gracie's blog. After reading your story, I can see why your music is so beautiful. It matches your journey in life - your beautiful family and your amazing attitude about your life. We are now serious Paul Cardall fans over here and pray that you have many more years to bless people through your musical talents.
Paul, I found this through a contact on Jeremy's photography blog. I had no idea this was happening to you and your family. We will include you in our prayers. Your wife and daughter are beautiful and you are inspirational in so many ways.
ReplyDeletePaul, You truly are blessed and I feel God will bless you again very soon, with a new healthy heart.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being such an inspiration.
Stay strong!
Paul you are a blessing to us all. I love to read about you and your family. You are amazing people. Tell your beautiful wife I said hello. I love your family pictures and Eden is just getting too big. Tell her she needs to slow down a bit. :) Talk to you later. Nanci and Jeff
ReplyDeletePaul, you are truly inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. I found your blog through IHH. My son Trig was born this past October with TGA. You have such a beautiful family. I will continue to pray that you will receive your new heart soon. Jamie
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your music via Pandora while studying in my first year of med school.
Your gift gets me through the hours of massive information overload.
You will be in my prayers tonight. I hope you the best.
ReplyDeleteI sit here tonight like many with thoughts in my heart for little Gracie and her family. I find that music is one of the quickest ways to feel the spirit. It was a constant in Kaidence's PICU room. In fact the nurses had it written in her chart that if her blood pressure is too high to play a certain cd because it had such a calming effect. Other times it calmed too much and we had to turn it off for a while. I guess that what I am trying to say is that I think that music can fill the heart with so many wonderful and peaceful emotions. I cry as I read the Gledhill's blog tonight, but as I read I cannot help but feel our Savior's love and I DO KNOW that Gracie will be just fine! Thank you for doing good with the Gift that God has given you.
Hey Paul, wow, what a journey you've been on. I remember you had surgery when you were in Jr High, but didn't know it had been a life long battle. Your blog is inspirational. Thanks for taking the time to write. I was happy to see John Day on your list of Docs, we lived in the Bay Area with John (and I worked with his wife, Jane)back when he was a fellow at Stanford. Say hi to him for me when you see him next.
ReplyDeletePaul and family,
ReplyDeleteI had the pleasure of running into Lynette the other day at work. I am in Labor and Delivery at IMC. You are right, Lynette is an angel. She told me about your recent condition and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have been reading Gracie's blog and have been brought to tears many times, but also been uplifted. My family and I are thinking of you Paul and praying for a wonderful outcome. What a beautiful family you have!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through Gracie's. My friend's parents are in your ward...the Locke's. I've read your blog from the beginning just today trying to not think about how sad I am and wanted to tell you that you truly are an inspiration! I, too love music! I play flute! If you ever need a flutist, let me know! It would be an honor! Your music radiates through you and pierces the soul.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us, and we will be praying for a new heart!
Tami Peterson
Wow, Eden has got to me one of the most adorable and beautiful little girls I have EVER seen! She is so darling!
ReplyDeleteContinued thoughts and prayers Paul. Your heart has served you well as it has taught you what most people don't completely learn in a lifetime.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your music. It calms my soul! Especially right now when I am so sad about Gracie. You are in my prayers!
We love you guys. We pray for you everyday. One year ago about this time we were in the NICU everyday with Davy. That experience was so trying, but I know that the prayers of our friends and family members really helped us. Sometimes their prayers gave us peace and sometimes they actually affected change. I know you already know this, but I hope this buoys you up.
ReplyDeleteWow, I am amazed. I stumbled across your blog through another one and am blown away. You have no idea who I am but I saw you play once at a fireside in Atlanta, Ga. You sister Marlise was living there at the time and was in Young Womens with me. You did a youth fireside for us. You had just returned from your mission. It was amazing and I have been hooked on your music ever since. It was so wonderful to listen to your music and you told a story to go along with each song. Your version of A Wayfaring Man of Grief is still my favorite. My family has since moved to Salt Lake and we have spent quite a bit of time ourselves up at Primarys with our youngest and his asthma problems. I am so sorry to know everything you have gone through health wise but am amazed at you, your music and what you have shared with the world. Thank you for all of it. Please know you and your family will be included in our prayers. God be with you.
ReplyDeleteHi Paul,
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, but I feel like I know you.
My grandson, Alexander Stewart, was born March 17, 1008, with HLHS. His mitral valve had too much regurge for the three stage surgeries. He had the Hybrid procedure which bought him time. He was listed on the heart transplant list and received a beautiful heart on July 11, 2008, when he was just shy of 4 months old. He has done excellent.
We feel so blessed and wonder why we received a heart and we have not had many complications and why it happens different for another child and famiy. I have come to find the truth in the fact that we will never be given more than we can handle.
Thanks for sharing your uplifting spirit with the world. You are much younger than I yet are so much more knowledgeable of the important things in life. You give us hope, showing us the future with our little ones is a wonderful probability.
May you be blessed with a heart, and soon. May you be watched over by our Heavenly Father and may you know how much he loves you.
Thanks, Paul
Ann (Paternal Grandma of Alexander Douglas Stewart-HLHS-Heart
Transplant). His blogspot is www.alexanderstewart@blogspot.com
The past year I stumbled onto your music through itunes. The spirit I have felt as I have listened to these songs, is powerful. Many are not new songs, however the way you play them.
ReplyDeleteI found Gracie's blog through someone else, and saw your name off to the side. I now understand what that power is that is coming through these hymns, and original songs. They are your testimony, thank you for sharing that.
My brother in law spent many years at Primary Childrens with his own illness of Cystic Fibrosis, my sister is a child life specilist there. It is a wonderful place, where miracles happen.
I pray for you and your family, I pray that you will be able to continue to share your testimony with the world, not only through your music, but now through your story.
I have been a "silent reader" of your blog for a while now and just wanted to let you know what an amazing man you are. I was introduced to your music by my father-in-law several years ago and have loved every note that comes from you. And now, on this journey to a heart, I wanted you to know that prayers are going out from our family for you and yours.
I was born with a completely different heart defect than you, but it still has a way of creeping into my life, luckily I don't have to worry so much for another 10 years or so before I need another surgery, but I feel for you. I was supposed to be at PMC for 2 weeks, max, and was there for 4.
ReplyDeleteFor the past few years I've made a point to realize how lucky I am to be alive and I try to live every day to the fullest. I'm sure you do that much better than I do. My heart goes out to you and your family and I pray that you'll recover and get home to your family quickly.
I stopped over from Gracie's blog. We have a 10 year-old son with HLHS. He was born in California and lived there his first 7 years. About a year ago we moved from Salt Lake to Boise because the altitude in Utah was just too much for our son. But for the two years we were in Utah, Dr. Everitt was his ped. card. We really liked her.
ReplyDeleteIt is so interesting and inspiring to read your blog and get a glimpse into what it's like to be an adult living with a congenital heart defect. My daughter and I are enjoying your music so much.
You and your family will be in our prayers.
I know this is your blog, but you mentioned your wife is a NICU nurse at IMC. We delivered our youngest there, and I won't go into all the circumstances but our history made the whole experience so overwhelmingly anxiety ridden. BUT the IMC NICU was FANTASTIC about helping us through it all! I can't rememer the names of all the people who helped us. Perhaps your wife even helped to care for our little one. Please tell her thank you, and all her co-workers. The social worker there, Carol Kahn, and the Parent coordinator (Kathie, I think) are the only names I remember other than the lady at the desk, Marie, who shares my own name. So I never actually sent a Thank You, feeling stupid for not remember names. I am so grateful for their support. I wish I could have brought them home with us, but am glad they got us through that transitionary beginning.
ReplyDelete(Odd, you are playing Sunshine on my shoulders right now. I made a slideshow with that song and I used a quote from Hinckley that I used: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2095/2378469721_88e4aebb6f_m.jpg)
Paul, Lynette, and Eden
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to you all to know that you are in my prayers. I work with Lynette at IMC and I cannot tell you enough what a wonderful person she is. It seems that she has a matching counterpart that is equally incredible and inspiring. What a wonderful family you have. Good luck.. and I hope that you get your heart soon.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me really but i MET YOU ONCE IN 2004. I am good freinds with Tiffiny Shultz and Holly McKell formerly Saunders. Well Lynette is our NICU nurse and she truly is angelic. I LOVE her. She is wonderful and a blessing to many people. We are praying for you and may God bless you in any path he has chosen for you. Meisha Jensen
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ReplyDeleteHi Paul! I found your blog through The Adventure's of Funky Heart's CHD Blog Carnival. I used to be a patient of Dr. Yetman's in Denver before she moved to Utah to start the clinic there. She is a sharp one! I'm so glad she founded both of the independent ACHD clinic in the Rocky Mountain region.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures of your & your family are beautiful! You seem like a very strong, wonderful person with a fantastic, loving support system of great family, friends & loved ones. May you continue to be blessed. :)