Thursday, October 23, 2008

Back In The Hospital. . .

I've been in the hospital all week and this is the first time I've had a chance to write. I became so weak that they admitted me. Much of my care has been transferred to a children's hospital because most of the experts that have worked with me once a week through a clinic in another hospital could manage my care more closely because they're always here.

I am anxious to get home. On Monday I'm scheduled for a couple of minor procedures; a heart cath, possibly a stint to help get more blood to my lungs, and maybe a new pace-maker. Lucky me!

I'll try to write later and keep you posted! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Thanks for keeping us posted. It was great see you today. We love your thoughts that you relate to us over your blog. They truly have been inspirational and we have shared them with others too!!! Keep up your good spirit and know you are in our prayers.

  2. Paul, I just had the cath, stint and new pacer 2 months ago. Say Hi to Charles for me:) Oh and don't forget to pick a prize on Wednesday cause that is Bingo day :) We continue to pray for you and your family. Holly

  3. Hola, soy de Venezuela, me llamo Paola, desde aqui he venido siguiendo tu salud, te mantengo en mis oraciones por ti y por tu familia, aunque no los conoscos, tu caso me conmueve mucho, Dios te Bendiga y te Guarde Siempre, encontraras un corazon bien lindo para ti ;), besos..Saludos

  4. Thinking of you and praying for health and strength...

    momma to Jacob (TGA)

  5. Our Prayers and thoughts are with you, thanks for keeping us updated.

  6. We so wish we could be there right now! We talk about you and think and pray for you so often. Give Lynnette and Eden our love as well!

  7. I hope you don't feel that I am intruding on your personal blog, but Holly told me about it ... I feel very privileged to read of your testimony. I put your name in the temple every week when I work there and pray for you daily. We relate to much of what you have gone through. I have special feelings for your father when I see him on TV, knowing what your mother and father (and wife) are going through as well. You are an inspiration to our family. Take care and God bless you.

    Bobbi Saunders (Holly's mom)

  8. Paul,
    I continue to check you blog often and pray for you and your family. For the strength you need and for your pager to go off soon. Looking forward to seeing you in 52 days.
    Love to you, Lynette and Eden from down under.
