Thursday, December 9, 2010

Top 7 Memories of 2010

My top 7 memories of 2010

7. Performing in front of a Sold Out Crowd at Abravanel Hall, raising money for CHD.

6. Publishing my story, Before My Heart Stops,and meeting many families affected by CHD along the way.

5. Standing on the peak of Mount Olympus with family and friends.

4. Camping with my family and friends in Ephraim, Forest Park, and more.

3. Recording a new album for Feb. 2011, the soundtrack to my New Life.

2. Taking my family to Disneyworld. Eden, my 4-yr-old at the time, insisted we go on the Tall Tower of Terror. (We had no idea what this ride was. They should call it child abuse)

1. Falling deeper in love with my wife.

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