Thursday, July 23, 2009

Congenital Heart Disease & Your Cardiac Kids

Please help me spread awareness of congenital heart disease. Here is a short "rough draft" video featuring more than 100 children afflicted with a heart problem that may require medical attention throughout their life. Many are from the Utah area. There are probably a few errors in this video. I did the best I could with the information provided to me. If you know of any errors please e-mail me the correct information so we can make a final version. Send them to

Link to the CODE to embed on your blog

In addition, we are still in the process of making a video for Gracie's Theme which will tell one families story and fight with CHD. We had a deadline and more people responded than I could imagine. So we made this wonderful video featuring all of the children and a few adults who contributed. I'm sure we'll make future videos featuring other children not appearing in this particular piece.


  1. Hi Paul, the video is beautiful. On Jaxsons, I must have forgot to tell you his heart defect. You probably can't change it now, but its AV canal,PDA,pulmonary hypertension. I don't know why I said the reflux and apnea. Oh, well, I'm a ding dong.

  2. I cried like a baby all the way through.

  3. Paul, that was so fun to watch. I loved seeing so many faces that I have come to love so much set to your beautiful music. Very touching. Thanks for putting it together.

  4. What a very touching video (it was great to see Dr. Hawkins in a few of the pictures since he has helped so much with the advancements of congenital heart disease).
    I work at PCMC, and remember a few of those babies well. I also work with your wife Lynette, who is such a joy and a pleasure to be around.
    You and your family are such an inspiration to everyone. Thank you for allowing us to follow you on this journey. I know God is watching over you.

  5. This was sooooo beautiful. I loved it. Thank you, thank you...

  6. Paul,
    You don't know me but I was extremely touched by this video. Thank you so much for sharing it. My sweet sister Gentry Gygi was born with coarctation of the aorta 32 years ago. Dr. Veasy saved her life and I will always be so grateful to him. (She also worked with your wife in the NICU) Best wishes to you!

  7. Paul,
    This video is wonderful! My cousin is Holly, in your video, and she had mentioned you on her blog so I started following your story. I have 2 boys with CHD - one with Mitral Valve Stenosis and one with HLHS. I appreciate you sharing so openly your journey and pray for you and your family.

  8. So fantastic Paul!! Bravo!! What a wonderful tribute. Let me know know if you want any pictures of my Jackson. All these kids/adults are such inspiring miracles. What a treasure!!!

  9. Paul...I loved the video. Thanks for sharing it. You are an inspiration to me and you give me hope that my grandson Alexander will live a full and normal life.
    Praying for you,
    Grandma Ann (Alexander Douglas Stewart-HLHS-Transplant-2008)

  10. Thank you Paul for using your talent to bless the lives of others. The video is wonderful and obviously took a lot of your precious time to make. I found myself being inspired by the older children with CHD and sad and a little shocked by the older ones who had passed on. What a roller coaster ride congenital heart disease is.......I guess we are supposed to learn to enjoy the ride. Thanks again for all that you do.

  11. That was so moving! I enjoyed it very much and I also enjoy your blog. You are an inspiration to me. I'm the mom of a CHD son who has Shone's Complex and we are both praying you'll get your heart soon. I missed your deadline for this video but would love to send some pictures should you decide to make more in the future. Thanks for doing so much to get the word out about CHD.

  12. Paul- I've been a fan of you music for years. I'm quite certain that we went to Butler Elementary School together - maybe Ms. Greer's class or earlier with Ms. Campbell. I'm not exactly sure. As I kid knew you had a "heart condition," but I didn't have a clue what that meant. Clearly it hasn't stopped you from creating beautiful music and raising a darling young family. Still an ongoing challenge and obstacle that you share so eloquently on your blog.

    I'm so sorry that you recently lost your brother. Prayers to your family and to you as you await a heart donor. I hope Eden gets to have her daddy around for many, many years. I hope that the rest of us can be graced by your inspired music for years and years to come.

    God bless,
    Jennifer (Ottley)

  13. Beautiful! Thank You so much for all of your time doing this video.

  14. What a great video tribute to these wonderful heart heroes! Thank you so much for making this and putting it out on the web!! Absolutely touching!

    Alli, Kyle, and Grant Hicken

  15. Just beautiful! Thanks for all you do to promote CHD awareness and for the inspiration you provide to those of us affected by it!

    God Bless,

  16. Beautiful! Thank you so much for including Annika.

  17. Absolutely beautiful...and silencing. Thank you so much for using our sweet, inspirational son, as well as other heart friends we have made along the way. I have spread the viewings to our relatives we are visiting on the East Coast. Cape Cod officially knows about heart kids!!!

  18. Beautiful! Wonderful! I cried at the end, and Zoe loved seeing herself in it!

  19. All I want to say is that it's an absolute honor to have our beautiful daughter Stella featured in your video. I consider myself a pretty strong person, but when my little girl's picture comes around accompanied by your beautiful healthy heart aches from the immense love that I have for her.
    Thank you so much!

    Stefano, Sara and Stella

  20. Paul,
    I just happened to check your blog and was so happy to see this amazing and inspiring video you made. It is wonderful and I was emotional all the way through considering our little guy has CHD. My husband Tyler and I met you and you wife at Primary's way back in May and I told you I would comment on your blog so you guys could get the link to our blog which has info about our son Burke who has DORV with other issues. Anyways, here it is August and I am finally getting around to commenting on your blog, we have a one crazy summer with moving multiple times and so forth. Anyways, you are inspiring and thank you so much for making such an amazing video- if you make another one, I would love for Burke to be involved in it. Hope all is well and that you receive your miracle soon! Hang in there.

  21. As the mother to a child born with CHD...TAPVR, CoA and a VSD, this video touched my heart. God bless you for bringing awareness to this massive problem. My sons heart defects were corrected 8 days after birth. He's now 13 months old and a happy, healthy toddler. Seeing Gracies video and this reminds me of how truly blessed we were. I wish you nothing but the best, and you and yours are in my prayers.

  22. Paul,
    Thank you for doing this video. Our daughter has HLHS and it so wonderful to get some awareness going on about CHDs. I put the video up on our blog and our family is praying that you get a heart and that all goes well. Thank you for your positive example.

  23. I am just now watching this video because I am at the library with fast internet compared to dial-up at my house. This video came out great! Such beautiful kids who are dealing with CHD. I got tears in my eyes because I saw that you posted my brother Brandon at the end. Thank you sooo much. It means so much to me that you would put him in there.

  24. So lovely and well done. My son was operated on by Dr. Hawkins in January 2004, shortly after his birth. He has transposition of the greater arteries. He is now in kindergarten and doing very well. I'd be glad to send you photos if you do another video. May our Father in Heaven continue to bless you on your road to recovery.

    Kristin Jagard
